Ayurveda users i have a ?


Well-Known Member
i know many use shakakai (sp) powders and alma powders, i was wondering anyone used or using the oils in the same way as the powders?
ex. washing hair with shakakai oil?is it possble to clean the scalp with oil?
would a vatika oil prepoo then shakakai oil wash be too much oil?
I'm not Ayurveda expert and I really just got started with it last month. I just use the oils for scalp massage and to moisturize my hair. I wouldn't try to wash my hair with the oil that sounds like it would make my hair extremely oily and I hate oily, greasy hair. Not to mention it might cause skin to break out.
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i know many use shakakai (sp) powders and alma powders, i was wondering anyone used or using the oils in the same way as the powders?
ex. washing hair with shakakai oil?is it possble to clean the scalp with oil?
would a vatika oil prepoo then shakakai oil wash be too much oil?

yes you can, thisis called "oil washing" or oil cleansing. have a root around these a few topics on this
I'm not Ayurveda expert and I really just got started with it last month. I just use the oils for scalp massage and to moisturize my hair. I wouldn't try to wash my hair with the oil that sounds like it would make my hair extremely oily and I hate oily, greasy hair. Not to mention it might cause skin to break out.

Hey honey :wave: Go to this thread, Candy_C is answering all the questions here about the proper ways to wash with the oils and powders.

I trust her advice so go here: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=194049