Back to Basics


New Member
I notice a lot of post around here about products that we have used as children that worked like a it be glovers or carrot oil, what ever it is why don't we ever go back to basics? I feel so slow right now! I've been spending $ on products to keep my ends and hair soft and even while mixing up stuff I could never get anything that would keep my hair and ends soft for more than three days UNTIL! My wonderful S/O pointed out how I always talk about blue magic and how when I was younger it kept my hair down my back.So he picked some up for me (such a sweetie)...anyway I applied some to my hair after cowashing 3days ago and its still soft!!!! Not greasy or oily at all just soft hair that I can actually get my fingers through! Go back to basics ladies, take it back to the first products that worked for you. Might just save you some money!
Well some people can use products like Blue Magic and get great results. I wouldn't touch the stuff, but that's because on my hair it just sits there and laughs at me LOL

As a 70's child, my mom used to put Vaseline on my hair. You couldn't pay me to use that stuff now! BUT I spend tons of money on expensive deep conditioners only to find out that the Dominican conditioners I've been using since the 1980's work just fine and always did. Other "back to basics" products I use are coconut oil, olive oil and good old mayonnaise. My mom used to use those on me and here I assumed the CVS stuff was better because it was in a cute package.
Not me. You could not pay me to dax grease back my hair. Mother still uses the green one and i cringe when i see the bottle.
I was raised on the notion that hair grease makes your hair grow, and the old fashion hot combs. There is nothing from my childhood I want to bring into my adulthood.
I was raised on the notion that hair grease makes your hair grow, and the old fashion hot combs. There is nothing from my childhood I want to bring into my adulthood.

My regimen as a child:

Hair washed maybe every 2 months :perplexed
Protective styling 10000% of the time :grin:
Vaseline and I were practically one DNA :lachen:

The result: My hair was stinky, dirty and hip length!
I started a post a long time ago about how my hair thrived with Dax as a teen...not many responses...

My mom used mane n tail, Dax, blue magic, Vo5 hot oil, and occasionally cholesterol. I tried revisiting a similar regimen, but it didn't really work for me. My hair was greasy and sometimes smelly (sulfer 8) and I just can't to back to that...
LMAO!!! OMG When I was younger my mom used Nexxus on my hair and blue magic grease once a week! Solitude yeah I was looking for responses from people who actually had good experiences using products from their childhood lmao.
QueenFee I think some products like Mane 'n Tail still work just as well as they always did. My niece still gets her hair pressed with good old fashioned grease and my ex boyfriend used Blue Magic. His hair was always nice and soft and his waves were shiny!

My son's barber told me to go back to Sulfer 8 shampoo for his scalp and I plan to do that.
yeah this is what i am pretty much doing. i am using mane n tail conditioners, ultrasheen duo tex and apex pressing oil as both a pomade on my natural hair and to straighten with my pressing comb. i am very pleased with how my hair feels and looks. everything is cheap and works well.
my mum always moistrized our hair with hawiaan silky then applied the green dax on top, once in a while she used blue magic, me and my sisters all had hair between bsl and mbl.
When i started my hair journey i threw all that stuff out!!! But i realized that sealing my hair with oil is not great 4 me, i'd rather seal with my dax...i love that stuff it really helps my retention and with all the products i've tried (and trust me ive tried looooads) there isn't nothing that keeps my ends in shape like my beloved dax.
Funny you posted this. I just applied some light hair grease (Eboline Hair Food) last night after co-washing and a leave-in conditioner while wet/damp. My hair is sooooo soft. Wasn't really expecting it, just took a chance for sealing hair since I wasn't getting the results I wanted with serums. Definitely a new staple.
Hmm this thread reminded me I used to love Hollywood Beauty's Carrot oil. I had mad shine using that stuff. Maybe I will have to buy some...
My Dad still uses dax & blue magic on his hair & it looks nice..but,he washes his hair every-night...When I visit my parents I use dax on my ends (only) because the butters I use in the summer/takes up space in the

Happy Hair Growing!