Best way to measure thickness in pictures?


Well-Known Member
hey ladies i'm working on making my hair thicker and want to take comparison pics....what do u think is the best way to measure thickness?

does the hair have to be straightened, in a ponytail, or blow dried?

We always meaure length but I'm more concerned with thickness at this point...i'm WL but feel like I have nothing to show for it b/c my hair is sooo thin...

I believe JBCO is helping but want to document the results...

First off, congrats on making WL!

To compare thickness, you could put your hair in almost any style. However, it's important that whatever style you choose for the "Before" pic (pony, afro, twistout, straightened, etc.), be sure to do the exact same style for the "After" your comparison will be as accurate as possible.

I wish you success!
prospurr4 thank u!!

I think maybe a light blow out would be good...or maybe a ponytail lol it is tru that u have to make sure u do the same exact thing each time!! lol