Brand new here


New Member
Hello Beautifuls,

Well I finally did it! I made the plunge and joined lhcf! I have been a lurker here for such a long time. I finally decided no more excuses I am going to take care of my hair. There has been so many trials and errors. I should have midback length hair by now. So now I am just in the regimen building stage. I am trying to determine what my hair likes and what it absolutely hates. Anyway. Thank you ladies so much for providing such great information, and being such great inspiration for me.
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WELCOME! We forgive you for get your butt in here and post! :grin: We are here for you even if we aren't hair experts we can always give you a pick me up.

Just remember those pictures just show where you STARTED in this journey not where you are going...

Yeah I am wondering too what are your goals? Also I want some stats girly!

I am a newbie too so its all good.
