Brastrap length with breakage


New Member
I have brastrap length hair but my sides are short (shoulder length). I have been wearing my hair in a bun through out the summer, so I'm thinking that is the problem. I want it to grow. Anyone have any suggestions?!!!


Trichological Alchemist
Shorter sides could just be due to your natural growth pattern. The back of my hair is just about BSL, but the sides of my hair are only SL and the front is even shorter. I don’t cut my hair and it absolutely does not break. But, I've always known that the front and top of my hair has always grown at a slower rate, so I don’t worry about it too much.

Many other women have this same problem, and others just the opposite (long front, shorter back). :yep: You can definitely keep and eye on your hair to make sure breakage is not the culprit and reduce tension. But, don’t worry! You're not alone. If there are no problems, keep doing what you're doing. The sides will eventually catch up. :Rose:

ETA: Oh, and my hair is perfectly even when I pull it straight up in the air. :perplexed A lot of people (including myself) have an "upwards" hair growth. The back is longer because it has longer to travel "up." The crown has the highest point, and are the shortest pieces of hair. The front and sides also have less ways to travel "up" than the back, and are shorter. Strange, but it makes sense. *shrug*
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Goal:Hip length stretched
My crown grows at a much slower rate than the back and sides of my hair. I figure that's just the way my hair grows. I'm still trying to determine if there's something I can do about it so I massage that area. My hair definitely isn't breaking and i haven't trimmed for a while. Unless you know for sure that the sides of your hair were longer and when you comb you see lots of broken pieces, it might just be the way your hair grows.