Calling All Natural Hair Sister

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happylocks said:
Hello everyone, How do you use water on your hair? and how is it your best friend, plz share, I dont like my hair to get the left in water smell, so what do you do water the water and your hair?

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I mix water, a little CD's Koret Amen Oil, &amp; a few drops of Rosemary oil, put it in a spray bottle and spritz my hair with it during the day. It leaves my hair smelling really good. I used to do the same thing with CD's Tui's Hair Oil &amp; that smelled realllllly good!
, I am using the Dog Mane till sunday, then I will see if I want to press my hair out, I want to check on the length and see what I have, I hope that it grows I have not notice as much as I want to yet
, so wish me luck,
My hair was longer when I pressed it out, My family notice that, I was very happy, but today I will wash my hair
, That is the shortest amount of time I have had my hair pressed, I am natural again
, I wont lie, but I did give some thought into perming
, but quickly changed my mind, I dont want to go through with that again
Hey everyone my hair is in individual braids today, like of like easy set of locs, I love locs but I dont want them, I am useing the Dog Mane, on the week ends this is my second week useing it, I dont know if it is working but it is not as, bad, but I it is suppose to stop itchying but I still have it, even throuhg I washed my hair friday
, Why is it itching? I wanted to know if any of these shampoos have worked on you naturals-
CON detagling Shapmoo
L'anza protien plus
Aphogee's Shampoo
and the new Vive thanks
I show these in a post and wanted to know how they do you naturals
I think I will press my hair today, not with a flat iron, but a comb, Can anyone tell me how I can do that so that I will not have a puff ball of hair, but nice and not frizz, plz I am doing the pressing today, it has been more then 7 months without heat, Do you think I should do it?

am I betraying my natural hair look, should I got through with it, Plz tell me, I have Parenvue hair T-Tree cream, coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Castor Oil,IN23, and Amla Oil tell me how to use them Thanks

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my experince with pressing is this. if you want you hair straight straight your gonna need to blow it out first and use some kind of pressing cream. i use ultra sheen's presing cream, it smells great but don't use to much you hair will feel greasy and heavy. also when you press make sure that it's hot enought ot straighten you hair but beware scoraching it. try to do small sections too ( my worse part)
Hello everyone, My hair is in bknots and I am enjoying it, I want to prove that you can be natural and have long hair, I am doing the daily wash , just starting today, I want to try something different .
I am natural but now considering a texturizer. Most of the time, I wear what I have heard is called "interlocked / interlaced weaving". I slather the hair with conditioner and something like Carol's Daughter HHB, cornrow it and then loop the hair through the cornrows.

After that, I don't touch or consider hair for the next 4 weeks. I wash the scalp with Dr. Bonner's Pure Castille Soap (because it gets itchy) and then use a concoction (olive oil, Pantene Hydrating Curls Conditioner, purified water and Shea+Cocoa Butter cream - picked up at Sallys) on the braided part to keep it moisturized.
My ends are very sensative and I notice that my hair is mostly even because of breaking, and I have notice that I have knots(tiny ones) on my hair on some most parts. My hair is very thick but really fagile and dry out easy. I am doing the washing-every 2 days. I cant seem to find a picture of someone with similar hair. I know many ppl are 4ab, but It does not look the same as mine dry or wet.
hey happylocks, what conditioner are you using for your washes? I started on Tueday but I don't like how it felt, that may be cos I didn't really like the conditioner (trying to finish it, so as to not waste my cash
My hair was a little dry then normal, but I use Daily Defense- Conditioner light bloom/fine-oily hair, it is not the right kind as far as oily or fine hair, but It will do, it was just .98 cents at walmart, it is nothing specail, everyone eles at home likes it, but I am kind of picky
I am deep conditioning now, with eggs and yogurt, over my braids, I hope that most of it will come out, I dont want to leave a smell
, My braids are starting to look a little bad, not much, just some bbees sticking out
, Does anyone think I should deep condition every day? thanks
I suggest being careful when it comes to pressing and flat ironing your hair. I pressed earlier this year with low heat and ended up with straight and wavy pieces of hair all through my head. Pressing can also break down your natural hair texture.
I think you need to invest in a really good conditioner. If you still want to use Daily Defense conditioner, please buy one that is for dry/damaged hair.
hello everyone How has the summer been treating you, I hope it has been happy growing,
Right now for me there is some slow down, I am out of cash and out of MSM, which helped with shedding, from biotin, but I had to deal with alot of shedding that I had never dealt with before, I wanted to do protective styles but cant do a bun, so I was thinking abot bknots, wearing them and doing my daily washing, Is anyone trying bknots as protective style, When I wear it I feel like my hair is really sensative and it is just going to come out, but I like the way it covers my ends, even though they still dont come out looking the best, I would like to wear them for a month, week by week, with out having to keep dealing with my hair, I am in twist now, but they dont last during the daily washing, and become messy sometime knoted, I am also using the Garlic and frenchee
, and am low on vitamins, what going on with everyone eles
Im natural and always have been, i must admit that until i found this board my hair was getting on my last nerves and after all those hair disasters i really coundln't be bothered.

1) Last year a hairdresser left bleach in my hair for over a hour. Serious breakage i had to cut my mane just under my ears.

2)I tried another hairdresser, she managed to help reduce breakage but kept burning my scalp, untill one day she left the pressing comb to heat up for ten minutes and forgot then put it in my hair, that was a lot of hair gone.

3)I spoke to my sister who doesn't live with me so didn't know about my experiences and she told me what to buy and what not, and told me about this forum.

4)Now my hair is 18 inches long from hairline to ends.
hey sis,

I've had some breakage but it's nowhere near as bad as when I first joined the board 4 months ago! When I stretched it the other day some hair in the back is almost reaching my armpits.

I keep meaning to try conditioner washes but I haven't yet. I've yet to try knots on my hair too, I'll give them a try

I'm trying to sort my scalp out though as I get mad flakes sometimes. Mind you, I've slacked recently and wash my hair every 7 days (for a while I shampooed every 4 days and the flakes lessened somewhat). I also haven't been drinking water like I should. I'm going to try natural remedies. I give is four weeks before I see a trichologist.

Before I forget, I dscovered my mum's hair gel (World of Curls activator gel) and used it in an emergency to get my afro puff up. My hair felt soft for hours! I'm going to check out the ingredients and may think about borrowing some more, heh heh!

Happy growing!
hi happylocks,
does biotin really casue a lot of sheading? i have been on it for over a week and since friday i have been taking 600mcg.
hi happylocks,
does biotin really casue a lot of sheading? i have been on it for over a week and since friday i have been taking 600mcg.

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I am not used to sheading never really had it, When I start my biotin, I was taking MSN(GNC) No hair coming out and falling, but last month no MSN out of it and out of money, I wear my hair in braids 2x in the month, and when Id take me braid outs, the amount of hair coming out was shocking for me,
I never had that happen, I was taking biotin 5mg/5000mcg, at that time and not much of my flax oil, and Had no MSN, So I do belive it was the biotin, and even my eyes lashes some to be coming out more, better run and get my MSN
Question time to all the natural people out there:

What have you found the advantages and disadvantages of becoming natural are?

Have people's attituda towards your beauty changed?

What made you decide to be natural?
Question time to all the natural people out there:

What have you found the advantages and disadvantages of becoming natural are?

Have people's attitudes towards your beauty changed?

What made you decide to be natural?
Hi Alma,

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For me, the advantages are many: no fear of rain or steam messing up my style, learned to handle my own hair - I only see the salon when I feel like it, about once a year or two as opposed to every two weeks, I feel more confident, like natural hair is "really me", I aheva variety of styles I can do; when I had my hair relaxed I either had it cut short or had it put up when it was longer.

Disadvantages: not many, honestly. I did have to learn how to treat my hair and after 5 years I'm still learning (come a long way since discovering hair boards this year!). It was trial and error but now I think I've come to find what works well and not so well for my hair.

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Some people asked why I didn't have my hair straight, especially during my transition period. I found that I don't get negative attitudes much as my hair is longer. Some people "jokingly" say they'll straighten my hair when I'm sleeping (I'd kill em! LOL). My afro puffs get much love

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Several reasons: I was studying a class in race and identity and the lecturer touched on how natural black hair has been made to be seen as ugly and unnaceptable. I tried to grow out the perm about a year before that but didn't succeed. My feelings on the subject grew stronger and three weeks after my last retouch I decided that was it. You could say it was political in part, I also strated to think about loving my beauty and that I would define it.

Sorry for the long winded response! <font color="red"> </font>
Hi Alma,

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For me, the advantages are many: no fear of rain or steam messing up my style, learned to handle my own hair - I only see the salon when I feel like it, about once a year or two as opposed to every two weeks, I feel more confident, like natural hair is "really me", I aheva variety of styles I can do; when I had my hair relaxed I either had it cut short or had it put up when it was longer.

Disadvantages: not many, honestly. I did have to learn how to treat my hair and after 5 years I'm still learning (come a long way since discovering hair boards this year!). It was trial and error but now I think I've come to find what works well and not so well for my hair.

<font color="red"> </font>

Some people asked why I didn't have my hair straight, especially during my transition period. I found that I don't get negative attitudes much as my hair is longer. Some people "jokingly" say they'll straighten my hair when I'm sleeping (I'd kill em! LOL). My afro puffs get much love

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Several reasons: I was studying a class in race and identity and the lecturer touched on how natural black hair has been made to be seen as ugly and unnaceptable. I tried to grow out the perm about a year before that but didn't succeed. My feelings on the subject grew stronger and three weeks after my last retouch I decided that was it. You could say it was political in part, I also strated to think about loving my beauty and that I would define it.

Sorry for the long winded response! <font color="red"> </font>

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Not that I have anything against anyone with straightened is a choice, but I love the volume and texture variety of natural hair...


Question time to all the natural people out there:

What have you found the advantages and disadvantages of becoming natural are?

Have people's attituda towards your beauty changed?

What made you decide to be natural?

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Advantages, for me - no more dandruff, split ends, or spots that break off after every touch-up, no matter how much love I showed. No more fear of a nappy hairline and 'buckshot kitchen' and water and wind get the idea. Also, I'm finally achieving some of the length I chased during my perm years. Disadvantages...only one comes to mind, and that was learning to deal with multiple textures on one head. Still, I have it easier than I did back in the day. What's not to love?

Attitudes range from - "Did you INTEND to wear your hair like that?!" (early on, from older Black women), to curious stares from younger women (usually the ones with bad perms &amp; weaves), to flat-out drooling from some of the boys (that's ongoing, I'm happy to say.;)) Mostly it's been positive, and there are people in my life now who've never seen me permed. And that makes me very happy.

Deciding factor - It was cumulative for me. Over time, I couldn't remember why I was perming. Women around me were busting out in beautiful natural styles, plus were able to wear a fro one day and a press-n-curl the next. I realized there was nothing to be afraid of - rather, I wanted to embrace the freedom, beauty and unmatched versatility of natural hair. And I wanted to be one of those women who was saying, by example, "It's okay to be proud and embrace it, really."
About the drooling from men.. I've mentioned this to a male friend a good while back, and he was all goo-goo ga ga about natural women. For him, it's a turn on...
Question time to all the natural people out there:

What have you found the advantages and disadvantages of becoming natural are?

Advantage is just being who I natural am, I love the changes that can be done to natural hair, how much more easyer it is to stay in braids, just being me,

disadvantage- Not understand what it is all about, how to care for u, Not understand who ur hair is,

Have people's attitudes towards your beauty changed?
Alway up in my hair, trying to tell me how good it will look permed
, That is how I got a perm in the 1st place listening to ppl
No more

What made you decide to be natural?

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It does something too me, Really when I see my twist or ppl with locks, natural puffs, I dont know,I just start to feel something, having a perm was a mistake, I could not keep my hair braided ,alway coming aloose, messed up ends, lot more breakage,Going to festivals and just seeing ppl from the islands and the music and beautiful hair, loving ppl, It just does something too my heart, I love going to the Nappy site, Just powerful for me
Love being natural, Love it
What have you found the advantages and disadvantages of becoming natural are?

Adv: 1) My hair is healthier. I don't think my hair handled relaxers very well. Even after discovering the hair boards, my relaxed hair never looked that great. 2) My hair is fuller. I've always liked "big hair". 3) I don't look like everyone else.

Disadv: 1)Shrinkage!
My nape length pressed hair looks likes it's 2" long!
2) I don't look like everyone else.
People notice and make weird comments...

Have people's attituda towards your beauty changed?

I don't think so.

What made you decide to be natural?

My hair broke off. It scared the
out of me! I'm afraid to try again.
Poster: LaFemmeNegrita
I realized there was nothing to be afraid of - rather, I wanted to embrace the freedom, beauty and unmatched versatility of natural hair.

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I love all the styling options available for natural hair and my hair has never been so healthy as it is right now.
Yep i agree with SVT, the advantages are that i have many more styling options. Plus my hair is at its healthiest.

the disadvantages are that i have multitexture hair so it has been a challenge at times. plus my hair is very thick.

Have peoples attitudes towards my beauty changed? yes and no. ive had all sorts of reactions from support to "why dont you straighten it" but not so much now that everyones gotten used to it. i dont care about other people think anymore.

What made me become natural? I just prefer to wear my hair how it grows naturally out of my head. Besides when i did relax i was real lazy about touch ups anyway. i would go up to 4 months without a re-touch cause i hated it. plus i hate beauty salons, the long wait, stylists with attitude, the expense etc.