Can Buns cause breakage?

Is it possible to experience breakage because of wearing them too much? I've been shedding lately and I'm starting to think its because of the buns. I believe that I'm doing everything properly but its like every time I come through my hair there are hair strands in the comb! I dunno what to do :confused:
Don't comb your hair... just leave it in a bun. ;) When I first tried the bun challenge during the summer of 2004, I got breakage because I would comb the part that was being placed in the bun too much. I'm back on the bun challenge and all I do is comb freshly washed, wet hair with one to two strokes with a wide tooth comb and twist it into a bun. I cover my bun with weave hair and make sure the bun is extra moisturized (with S-Curl and coated with oil) before covering it up. I leave it this way for a week up until my next wash. Some ladies here re-do their bun daily just to re-moisturize and re-style...not comb it. I don't do that because I don't have the time and patience since I have fine textured hair and I am transitioning. Hope that helps. :)
Thanks Poohbear! I just starting using Surge and it is kinda hard to spray directly to the scalp without putting the bun down. Can I do this w/o having to comb it? Thanks girl.
I agree with Pooh. I used to comb the hair that was in the bun and it would break I think this is because of the way the hair was molded into the bun. It does not want to be combed. Just re add moisture to that area and style with your hands. If you do comb with anything use a shower comb, the will be the least stressful.
blessedangil03 said:
Thanks Poohbear! I just starting using Surge and it is kinda hard to spray directly to the scalp without [taking] the bun down. Can I do this w/o having to comb it? Thanks girl.
I understand because I had the same issue back then when I was using Surge Plus 14 at the time, but I never took my bun down when I sprayed Surge Plus 14. I just sprayed it over the hair that wasn't in a bun. Then I realized that defeated the purpose of even spraying Surge if it's not reaching the scalp. So I just decided to use Surge during my wash day. I don't use Surge anymore because of the fact that I can't use it everyday since I don't wash daily nor do I wear braids. Hair is gonna' grow with or without products that say they aid in hair growth. ;)
Sorry to hear about your breakage. I agree with Pooh, don't manipulate your hair. About the Surge, about 1 year ago I discovered that using an old WGO bottle helps with applying Surge to your scalp. Just take an old bottle with a nozzle tip and apply to the scalp. You won't even have to take the bun down to do it!