Can heat damaged be fixed?


Well-Known Member
I've been really abusing heat and I've noticed those small white spots on the hair and maybe 5 or 6 split ends which I trimmed. I'm not having any serious breakage yet and stop using heat. I used Nexxus Emergencee, but I was thinking of using Aphogee 2 Step in the next few days. My hair is silky and not dried out, but I want to fix this before it becomes a problem. Can you fix heat damage? What products should I use?
I just did some research about that and it seems like IF the damage is not severe it can be treated with protein treatments,air drying and/or insisting on heat protectants... otherwise it HAS to be cut:ohwell:
I just did some research about that and it seems like IF the damage is not severe it can be treated with protein treatments,air drying and/or insisting on heat protectants... otherwise it HAS to be cut:ohwell:

Thanks girl. It's not severe. I'm going to try the proteins and stuff before I think of cutting.
When I was natural I got some heat damage and could not repair it. I finally gave up and cut it. Best to try and repair though if you can. Good luck.
I would say no.... I had a bad set back from heat damaged when i was natural. I tried protein, deep condition, oil rinse..... Nothing worked. Had to cut the damaged parts off..

Sorry to hear about ur hair
Nope, it can't be totally fixed. Now, you can make it stronger with protein treatments and what not, but it'll never be back to its original state. Then again, since you're relaxed your hair was already damaged anyway, so heat damage on top of that is difficult to remedy. Once it's past the point of no return, you'll probably have to cut. Or you can just keep the damaged parts as your hair grows out and then cut.
Nope, it can't be totally fixed. Now, you can make it stronger with protein treatments and what not, but it'll never be back to its original state. Then again, since you're relaxed your hair was already damaged anyway, so heat damage on top of that is difficult to remedy. Once it's past the point of no return, you'll probably have to cut. Or you can just keep the damaged parts as your hair grows out and then cut.

This is what I'm doing, and I have to constantly remind myself that "NO, I'm not cutting, yet" and "YES, it does look scraggly and so I can't wear it down!!!"

If you keep your hair well moisturized and balanced with the right amount of protein, it can look healthy, though. Fall in love with rollersets, because you can get a beautiful, straight style without the direct heat damage. Then slowly dust the damage off after each relaxer application. Good luck, leona.
Damage essentially means that the natural state of the hair has been altered. I don't know if you know much about hair science but there are certain structures in the hair that are changed or removed as a result of chemical, heat, rough treatment, etc.

This can not be undone. You can certainly do things to make the hair look better, but if you want it to be gone you will eventually have to cut.
Thanks for the comments ladies. I decided to trim the damage out. It was just a few centimeters on the strains mainly in the front. It didn't look bad and I had to look really hard to see it. I'm still going to the do the 2 step and baby the ends.