Can I sleep w/garlic in my hair??


Active Member
My hair has been shedding a real lot for the past couple of weeks now.
I have used garlic shampoo and and garlic pills to no avail.
So tonight I decided to try a natural garlic and coconut oil blend.
Can I sleep with the mixture on my head an wash out tomorrow?
Try mixing egg yolk and 2 tsp olive and rub gently on scalp with fingertips.Cowash the do a deep moisturizing condish. It should work like a charm.hth
Try eating garlic in its natural form. Use a peeler, grate it up, cover it in honey and just swallow. I take in two cloves a day this way. I do a soy milk chaser if I think I will taste it. No stink breath. No problems. Took about 10 days steady and the shedding stopped. Now, it's a habit. The pills have so little allicin and sulfur, it is just a waste of cash.
I am not sure what would happen if you sleep in it, but in coconut oil I don't think it would be bad...
Thanks for the responses. I will try the egg treatment and attempt the raw garlic ( would it not burn my throat,though?).

For that last 2 weeks I did not apply any product to my scalp and i just discovered I ended up with really really big flakes on my scalp, which i think is the cause of my hair coming out. I used a fine tooth comb to get them out and i plan to purchase some sulfur 8. I seems like I must have some sort of product on my scalp or else I get larger that normal flakes.

Any other suggestions?