Can you fix relaxer overlap?


New Member
I've been having some breakage recently. I don't know what's wrong. I pre poo once a week with coconut oil and then DC with AO HSR. I moisturise daily with AO HSR mixed with water as my hair hates protein. I seal with wheatgerm oil and seal my cuticles with ACV mixed with water after each wash. Oh and I use a steamer with my deep conditioners.

I wear my hair up every day and only comb once a week- the rest of the time I finger comb. I'm having mid length splits and the only thing I can think of is that it's something to do with my last relaxer. My old hairdresser combed my last relaxer pretty much to the ends. I'm doing the next one myself. With my regime my hair feels soft and looks shiny and well moisturised which is why the breakage seems so strange? I'm trimming this week and I've stretched for 12 weeks this time.

Is there anything I can do about the breakage from the last relaxer other than trimming? I don't usually use protein so I'm doing an Aphogee 2 step today in prep for the relaxer.
To me your hair sounds overprocessed. Doing the Aphogee 2 step def sounds like a good idea to cut down on the breakage. Good luck girlie, I know it can be sad when you"ve worked so hard but everything will be ok. Do a search on self relaxing here, a lot of great threads and tips come up. I'm studying right now as we speak so I can relax myself. Good luck again :)
To me your hair sounds overprocessed. Doing the Aphogee 2 step def sounds like a good idea to cut down on the breakage. Good luck girlie, I know it can be sad when you"ve worked so hard but everything will be ok. Do a search on self relaxing here, a lot of great threads and tips come up. I'm studying right now as we speak so I can relax myself. Good luck again :)

Thanks! It is a pain because I've tried so so hard to retain length. I feel like I'm doing everything right but it's still going wrong. I have very thick hair so I'm still gaining length but the breakage is so upsetting. I'll be relaxing on Saturday so I'll look at some of the threads now!
Are there anyother protein products you could use before the 2 step? It sounds as if you have too much moisture from what you've stated.

Try a clarifying shampoo then steam with the aphogee 2 min (not 2 step/hard protein). (This by the way did not work to correct my midstrand breakage). Others swear by Joico Restruct. pak. Again, by your definition, I don't get the sense that "strength" is there. If you think your hair doesn't like "protein" I'm afraid if you use the 2 step and you get Pro_Overload, it may create a larger issue to overcome - esp. with your strands already in a weak state.

I'm a stan for Redken Anti-Snap and their Extreme Fuel packs.

What you are looking for are products that will surround your strands, such as Nexxus Aloxxi Polymedic Reconstructor. If the strands are weak, that may be a good option for you as well. This product worked for me. --- You would then follow up with you Honeysuckle Rose cond.

You may also need to reduce the amount of manipulation to do, including washing, styling, combing, etc.

Keep us posted and take your time.
Are there anyother protein products you could use before the 2 step? It. sounds as if you have too much moisture from what you've stated.

Try a clarifying shampoo then steam with the aphogee 2 min (not 2 step/hard protein). (This by the way did not work to correct my midstrand breakage). Others swear by Joico Restruct. pak. Again, by your definition, I don't get the sense that "strength" is there. If you think your hair doesn't like "protein" I'm afraid if you use the 2 step and you get Pro_Overload, it may create a larger issue to overcome - esp. with your strands already in a weak state.

I'm a stan for Redken Anti-Snap and their Extreme Fuel packs.

What you are looking for are products that will surround your strands, such as Nexxus Aloxxi Polymedic Reconstructor. If the strands are weak, that may be a good option for you as well. This product worked for me. --- You would then follow up with you Honeysuckle Rose cond.

You may also need to reduce the amount of manipulation to do, including washing, styling, combing, etc.

Keep us posted and take your time.

That's very true too! From a personal stand point, I wouldnt moisturize with a conditioner like AO Honeysuckle rose everyday. I use it once a week for a DC and that's itself is enough moisture for me. If you wanna use a conditioner to moisturize daily use something lighter like, something designed as a leave in. I use things like Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship, or None of Your Frizzness. These are still moisturizing, but won't over moisturize. Too much moisture is def just as bad as not having enough and will also cause you to lose hair as well. Also I would def hold off on the relaxer until your hair is in tip top shape. If its breaking now, it def will break after the relaxer. Think about it, you wouldn't enter yourself in a marathon and expect to win if you haven't trained. Same goes for relaxers. Its a very harsh process as you know, and with no health benefits to the hair, so you gotta make sure your hair is in excellent condition so that it can survive, literally. If I was you, I would honestly hold off on the relaxer until the breakage is under control. If ure interested in self relaxing, use the time in between relaxers to read up and study so that the next time you can do it yourself.
Thanks ladies some great advice here.

Are there anyother protein products you could use before the 2 step? It sounds as if you have too much moisture from what you've stated.

Try a clarifying shampoo then steam with the aphogee 2 min (not 2 step/hard protein). (This by the way did not work to correct my midstrand breakage). Others swear by Joico Restruct. pak. Again, by your definition, I don't get the sense that "strength" is there. If you think your hair doesn't like "protein" I'm afraid if you use the 2 step and you get Pro_Overload, it may create a larger issue to overcome - esp. with your strands already in a weak state.

I'm a stan for Redken Anti-Snap and their Extreme Fuel packs.

What you are looking for are products that will surround your strands, such as Nexxus Aloxxi Polymedic Reconstructor. If the strands are weak, that may be a good option for you as well. This product worked for me. --- You would then follow up with you Honeysuckle Rose cond.

You may also need to reduce the amount of manipulation to do, including washing, styling, combing, etc.

Keep us posted and take your time.

I used AO GBP a couple of weeks ago. That seemed to intensify the breakage. I thought I'd use it because I thought it might be a case of too much moisture too. But my hair doesn't feel mushy and isn't too stretchy when wet? I'll definately try the Redken or the Nexxus and try to reduce manipulation. Thanks for the suggestions.
That's very true too! From a personal stand point, I wouldnt moisturize with a conditioner like AO Honeysuckle rose everyday. I use it once a week for a DC and that's itself is enough moisture for me. If you wanna use a conditioner to moisturize daily use something lighter like, something designed as a leave in. I use things like Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship, or None of Your Frizzness. These are still moisturizing, but won't over moisturize. Too much moisture is def just as bad as not having enough and will also cause you to lose hair as well. Also I would def hold off on the relaxer until your hair is in tip top shape. If its breaking now, it def will break after the relaxer. Think about it, you wouldn't enter yourself in a marathon and expect to win if you haven't trained. Same goes for relaxers. Its a very harsh process as you know, and with no health benefits to the hair, so you gotta make sure your hair is in excellent condition so that it can survive, literally. If I was you, I would honestly hold off on the relaxer until the breakage is under control. If ure interested in self relaxing, use the time in between relaxers to read up and study so that the next time you can do it yourself.

I've tried quite a few leave ins but anything with protein in makes my hair really dry and intensifies the breakage unfortunately. I've searched high and low for HE leave ins but I don't think you can get them in the UK?

It's a good idea to postpone the relaxer. I was only going to do it because initially I though it was line of demarcation breakage but as the breakage is now all at different lengths I don't think it is. I might hold off then if things don't improve.
I think you can manage the overprocessed hair with the tips the ladies have suggested, but ultimately, the real fix is the scissors. I "babied" my overprocessed hair until it got past the length I was comfortable with and I cut it all off. My hair looks so much better, has more body and is so much healthier now.

Unfortunately, that's just one of the risks of having a relaxer and that is why I am now self-relaxed.
Yea...I can't see GBP causing breakage - at all. Maybe you should post pics of your dry hair.

What's going on with your water?
Your skin?
Your diet?
Your other product choices?

At the same time, after each session with your hair, you should document the size (take a pic) of the hair ball. Then each successive time document what was used and the insert it in the caption of the hair ball. That way you are able to see.
I think you can manage the overprocessed hair with the tips the ladies have suggested, but ultimately, the real fix is the scissors. I "babied" my overprocessed hair until it got past the length I was comfortable with and I cut it all off. My hair looks so much better, has more body and is so much healthier now.

Unfortunately, that's just one of the risks of having a relaxer and that is why I am now self-relaxed.

Yes this so true, but I can't be sure it is over processed by her description alone. I have been in a situation like this - and that section broke off on its own. I assumed it was due to my stylist overlapping....BUT it was one section. I had to look past her to what I'd had done previously to the relaxer - that turned out to be the culprit. I dusted the small area and its now back in line with the rest of my hair. It happens. I think she needs to approach this scientifically - and getting a few product suggestions or telling her to cut won't exactly help her discover what is the cause of the problem.

And I am a fan of cutting AND products. :nono:
I'd try the Aphogee 2-step...when I started I had severe breakage that subsided with continued use of the 2-step (every 6 weeks). If you're over-processed and you've tried lighter protein maybe it's time for something heavier...just make sure you follow it up with a moisture DC.
Just coming back in to say that I took my hair down from my style for the day and noticed more breakage. So, distressed, I raided my product shelf and decided to try Aphogee 2 Step (because I didn't have good results with GBP previously).

I used the 2 Step, let it dry and then followed up with about an hour of AO HSR under a shower cap. The verdict? My hair is soft and shiny and the breakage has stopped! Even when detangling only shed hairs were in the comb! It feels moisturised but just stronger. Finally! I think I might need to do a major protein every 6 weeks or so if I don't use protein on a regular basis. Or whenever its needed.

I'm going to go ahead with a trim this week and see what happens. Thanks again for all of the suggestions - you may have saved my strands!
well that's a relief.

Stay on top of it over the next few weeks.....boy hair is like having a newborn baby sometimes.