City Chicago under a Murdering Spirit


Well-Known Member
City of Chicago under a Spirit of MURDER!


What is going on in ChiTown?? Listening to the news about 52 shootings on fathers day 8 day and another shooting last night that ended in 2 more deaths!!:nono: What in the world. The police say there are so many calls that they are becoming confused about what calls have been answered. JESUS!

UNBELIEVABLE. . . however the bible says think it not strange . . .

So what do you think is going on?

I think a Legion of demons have descended upon that city or should I say a portal has been opened and A spirit of murder is running-a-muck. along with other spirits of death, confusion, strife, madness, rage and destruction.

Come on children if there was ever I time we need to pray it is NOW.

Prayer answers all things.

Please pray. I pray for a new wind to blow upon the windy city the ruach wind of God blow upon the City of Chicago.
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New Member
It is going to get worse and all over. This system is coming down. We pray for God's Kingdom, His government to come, and for His will to be done. It will not be done under Satan's kingdom. His kingdom is going to crush all these kingdoms. We are seein Satan's kingdom in its death throes. He is not going down without a fight. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. Man cannot create this new heaven and new earth or this new kingdom of the Father.

Yes. We need to pray. But pray for His kingdom to come and crush all these other ones. Daniel 2:44


A fleck on His Sword
Re: City of Chicago under a Spirit of MURDER!

So what do you think is going on?
Judgement...He has turned/is turning man over evil, seducing spirits. Unless there is a mass of true, heart-rendering repentance in this country, it will get worse. I think we are past the point of no return...