Curly perms...


New Member
Hey lhcf! I've lurked for a while but just paid my 6.25 earlier this week. I've tried using the search feature to get more info on this topic but came up short so I figured I would star a thread on curly perms. So a few q's:
1. What brand of perm do you use
2. What is your maintenance routine
3.have you noticed increased length retention because of curly perms

My answers :
1. I'm currently under the dryer getting my first curly perm and the stylist used hawaiin silky
2. Routine will be:
Once a week: prepoo with creamide heavy oil, shampoo with Shea moisture raw Shea butter line, dc with Marie dean honey dc (peach scent in case anyone cares), moisturize with oyin juices and berries(glycerin heavy), seal with vanilla monoi oil
Daily: moisturize and seal with oyin and monoi oil
****im unsure as to how to handle the protein moisture balance with this kind of a chemical so if anyone has any tips I would appreciate it******
3. N/a

Also I was wondering about how stretching works with these the stylist recommends 2 month touch ups but I was hoping to stretch til 4 or 5

Oh and I obviously am getting this done on 100% natural hair (type 4b ish)
Hello ohletsloseit! Welcome! I don't have a curly perm anymore (I'm loced) but I had one before I loced and I loved it. Hope you don't mind me giving my 2 cents:

1) My stylist used the Wave Nouveau perm system on my hair.

2) I used to moisturise daily with my own glycerine mix - 1 part glycerine, 1 part aloe vera juice, 1 part rose water with a few drops of essential oil to make it smell nice. I used to do protein and moisturising conditioners every two weeks (I used to alternate Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose and Aphogee 2 step) and I used to seal with wheatgrass oil or jamaican black castor oil. I felt I needed a lot of protein because my hair was rarely not moisturised just prone to breakage.

3) My hair grew from a 1 inch fro to BSL at its longest. Damn I miss those days! It was beautiful and healthy. All of the women in my family have had a perm at some point and they all have beautiful thick long heads of hair. We all used to stretch for 3-6 months at a time. IMO getting it done every two weeks is risky because there's a possibility of double processing but it depends on what works for you. I also found stretching easier with a curly perm because it was easier to blend my new growth with the curls than it was with my bone straight relaxer.
OP, welcome!

PLEASE show us pics of your final result here in the thread... I'm sure you know we live to drool over each others

I don't have anything to add re: curly perms-but I'm interested nonetheless!
I am really hoping that more ladies will answer this post. I am natural now, but will be getting my 1st perm in July. I decided to get the Gina Curl. I'm so excited about doing this, because I think I will get the versatility I'm looking for.
After a few months here's what I like and don't like:

my hair is much easier to maintain
Hair seems to be growing well
My hair is still really thick
I like the way he curls look after first post perm wash
Cons :
After about 3 months my hair only stays moisturized for about 2 hrs after bagging
Hate how greasy and fake curls look after perm
@ohletsloseit Thank you for this post. I did curly perms for years and loved them. I stopped in 2007 when I went natural. Here are my experiences;

1) Wave Nouveau: my 1st curly perm, done by a professional. It was too harsh for my fine hair and caused bad breakage at the crown & hairline. A different hairstylist explained that my hair is too fragile for a "two-step" process like Wave Nouveau; in which the hair is first "softened" (similar to a relaxer in that it breaks the bonds of the hair to prepare it for re-shaping), and then a second "processing" chemical was applied for rolling the hair. Instead he recommended a regular "one-step" perm (the same that he uses on Caucasian hair) in the "mild" formula.

2) Regular perms: I was happy that the "mild" formula caused no apparent damage to my hair but the curl pattern didn't take as well as I liked. Neither did the "regular" formula. My new hairstylist refused to use anything stronger on my hair (which I respected him for). But after a while I took a chance and bought a Wal Mart box perm: Ogilvie brand; "Precisely Right Perm: For Hard-To-Wave-Hair" (the strongest formula). It worked. I loved having wash & wear defined curls with reduced frizz! My hair appeared thick and healthy. BUT after a few years of touch ups every 4 to 6 months, I noticed I was not retaining much length. It was always between shoulder and APL, and gradually the ends got thinner so I stopped. Hope that helps.
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