Curve Salon Back Open in Bklyn: Miko Back In NY


New Member
I posted this in the salon forum as well...

Not sure if this has been posted or if anyone's interested, but according to Miko's website, "Miko Branch has returned to NY and will no longer operate in Washington, DC. Please call Miss Jessie’s Salon at 718 852 2600 to schedule an appointment."
sure...its a salon that's a little controversial on the hair boards because they offer services such as the "silkener" and "shingling" which for many of us figured out to be fancy names for a texturizer and simply applying a lot of product in small sections to wet hair to bring out the curl definition. None of these things would be so bad, its just that they charge about $500 for the silkener and like $200 for the shingling, so many view it as a rip off.

Click on the link in my original post it will take you to Miko’s site and here is the link for the Brooklyn location: