Day 33..Lent thought for today.......The Word Among Us


Well-Known Member
Jeremiah 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13

Hear the word of the LORD, O nations,
proclaim it on distant isles, and say:
He who scattered Israel, now gathers them together,
he guards them as a shepherd his flock.

The LORD shall ransom Jacob,
he shall redeem him from the hand of his conqueror.
Shouting, they shall mount the heights of Zion,
they shall come streaming to the LORD's blessings:
The grain, the wine, and the oil,
the sheep and the oxen.

Then the virgins shall make merry and dance,
and young men and old as well.
I will turn their mourning into joy,
I will console and gladden them after their sorrows

Our ways are simply not God’s ways. His thoughts are simply not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). God likes to shake up our human assumptions. He likes to surprise us, to accomplish his plans outside of our human expectations. He likes to color outside the lines!

So how should we respond? Keep a humble heart. Remember, we don’t have all the answers and we don’t always see the whole picture. God’s power is infinite. He can do things in situations that we simply cannot conceive. We should be prepared to admit that at every turn.

Let God surprise you as you enter Holy Week. Allow him to stretch your expectations. He longs to touch your heart, especially as you recall and celebrate his Son’s death and resurrection.

Look for signs that he is working. If you see that he is doing something powerful, perhaps something that you don’t understand, don’t be too quick to judge it or dismiss it. Investigate it. Ask God about it. He might just have something marvelous to show you!

“Lord Jesus, I long to see you work in power. Holy Spirit, open the eyes of my heart to see and welcome Jesus this week. Give me a humble heart and willingness to have my expectations stretched.”