Deep Trim Today (pics!!)


Smeller of roses
Whatchyootalkinbout' girl!? Your hair is LONG and very healthy looking! It looks beautiful post trim and I'll bet it moves a lot better too. This is just a supposition, but maybe some of your hair reached the end of it's growth cycle and it being shed rather than breaking off. That would account for the unevenness on the ends. Keeping it trimmed like you're planning should give you the answer. Love your hair!


Hair Coach
Keep on keeping on ArmyQT. Just concentrate more on keeping the length of your hair moisturized especially the ends. You may have to do it 2-3 times a day, whatever it takes.

Your hair is amazing. It is thick long and strong. Most people would give their right arm to have hair as gorgeous as yours.

I say don't concentrate on length anymore concentrate on keeping your hair moisturized. Kind of shift the focus. Sometimes when we want something so much it seems so difficult or out of reach.

I honestly didn't see anything wrong with your hair in the before pic but I don't look at your hair everyday. I don't know it's behavior. It may be a case of uneven growing. This can be a nuisance especially if you are trying to grow your hair all one length.

Also you made it to brastrap. That's wonderful. Now you can start off 2005 with newly phyto relaxed evenly trimmed gorgeous hair. This time next year you will be reporting that you are almost at waist length!!!

You grow girl.

Again, your hair looks absolutely amazing. HHG!!


Well-Known Member
Hey sweetie!!! I checked out your pics and your hair still looks great.....and you still have a lot of hair to spare.

Do you airdry or rollerset?

I remember feeling the same way you do several times....I've been on hair boards for almost EVER........more than double the time you've put in on this one. At any rate, I kind of gave up after my hair was cut. Then I started this new school year and I didn't really have any time to think about my hair. I got lazy and decided I didn't want to wash my hair. I started getting it rollerset every week and well now I dread washing my own hair. I'm beginning to believe that although I was able to produce nice results with airdrying, I don't think it was what's best for my hair.

I still have split ends and such but my hair seems to be doing so much better since I no longer/RARELY airdry it. Could this be the case for you?

Anyways....:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

And tell DH I said hi! :wave: He did a good're lucky !


Well-Known Member
skegeesmb said:
It looks great ArmyQT. Even with 4 inches cut off it still looks long. I would just stop wearing the ponytails all the time. And believe me, your hair seems thin in the before picture because it seems that your crown area doesn't grow as fast as other parts of your hair.

Please don't give up! Just ignore it, keep doing what you're doing, and I bet one day you'll look down and see that your hair is way past brastrap.

If this is true...could it be that the crown isn't growing as fast because of the stress of the ponytails......I went to the dermatologist for a sore crown......and the only thing she could figure out was that I wore ponytails too often and in the same position daily. :scratchchin:

Paris Belle

Active Member
It's been said before but, I just want to add that your hair is not only still long, but beautiful...Don't give up. Everyone's hair grows differently. Before I joined the board, I was having a problem with my ends as well. My hair was growing, but my ends were constantly dry and uneven and I had to trim frequently. I would suggest using a product on your ends that would help you to retain moisture such as vaseline or Profective products. It seems that your hair grows uneven and that maybe your hair is naturally dry (like mine). This is a problem that can readily be fixed with added moisture and trims where you even it and get rid of splits. Don't give up!

I found the following techniques helped my ends. Try them if you're not doing these things already:
putting a lot of the conditioner and hot oil treatments on my ends
using products like vaseline or other moisturizers on my ends every day and sectioning my hair to make sure that it gets all of the layers and different lengths


New Member

ArmyQT your hair still looks very healthy. I mentioned in your photo album that maybe it's the way the you are securing your ends that could be the cause of the problem. Don't give up though as your hair is still flourishing.



New Member
Just to echo what everyone has said- your hair is awesome and you shouldn't get down because the length is still quite impressive and inspirational.


New Member
AQT - I'm sorry you're getting down on your hair, but it really is gorgeous. It was before the trim, and it looks great after the trim too :up: Keep ya head up ;)


New Member
Army, I have to co-sign on what everyone else has said...your hair still looks AWESOME, even after your big trim!! :) :)

This hair growing thing CAN be frustrating!! :wallbash: February is the month i do my yearly comparison pic, and it looks like I've kept only a couple of inches of growth for the whole year 2004...:( :mad: That really ticks me off but I have to look at it this way... at least I've kept the length, and not lost any... :look: Unfortunately, my ends aren't looking great right now, so I know my stylist will be giving me a "good" trim at my touchup in a few weeks...:ohwell:

I'm starting to feel like brastrap length is unattainable for me... it's like the longer my hair gets, the worse my ends are, and need more trimming...:(

So.... I'm feeling ya, girlie... you're not alone!!! :kiss:


Active Member

I commented in your album, but I also had the same problem with just the one middle section of my hair thinning and breaking. That only happened when I wore a bun or pony tail or did any type of twists that put stress on that area. I now just wear it down most all the time, and it's beginning to flourish. Maybe that's what it was with you. In either case, your hair looks great!


New Member

Your hair is gorgeous. I feel your pain though. When I use to relax my hair, my sides would always grow long and lush, but the back would eventually break off somehow. No matter how careful I was. Once I went natural I discovered that that part of my hair was a totally different texture and I think that because the relaxer was applied to same way throughout, that that is what caused the breakage.

I think by your switching to the phytorelaxer and just seeing how that goes is a great step forward in reaching your ultimate hair length goal.

Just don't give up hope. :rosebud:


I think you've got the right idea, moisturize the length of your hair more since you can't do much styling other than a pony tail. :) Also, if you're wrapping your hair around your pony tail for a bun you might want to losen the wrap a little if you're wraping it tightly.

But on a different note, I'm so glad you updated your album, I go to it every now and again hoping for new pics. :laugh: Your hair still looks amazing!


Well-Known Member
Army, maybe you can try a french braid. It will still hold your hair up but there won't be any bands on it.


New Member
I didn't know what to expect when i opened this thread. One thing i will say is ARMYQT ur hair is FIIIRRREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! :love:
Even tho u had to trim it, it still looks good. :)


Armyqt, I can understand your frustrations. I'm undergoing problems with my hair in which I'm considering of trimming it all even. My hair has been the same length since the summer so you know how frustrating that can be. Now my hair is all uneven with these layers and most of it is from the shedding and breakage that occurred back in November.

Your hair is gorgeous even if you had to give it a deep trim. I just love the thickness of your hair!


New Member
Armyqt you scared me!! I was picturing your hair wayy shorter. Your hair looks GORGEOUS and HEALTHY! It's still long, now it looks thicker.


Well-Known Member
I thought I was going to come in here and see pics of shoulder length hair. Army your hair is still rather long and HEALTHY :) I feel your pain my hair growths the same way leaving me with a serious V-shape :) I had a stylist 'even it up' last April and cut good 3 inches. I started surging religiously and it was back by my next touch-up time :) I felt just like you after that chop I wanted to give up, but I am so glad I didn't :(


Your hair is still beautiful, and I'm sure it'll grow back quickly!


New Member
I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but it does look great. I think it was very healthy before the trim, it just looked uneven. Your DH did a great job with the trim. Now when it grows down to your waist, it will be nice and even. :)


New Member
Hey everyone :wave: Sorry I've been MIA. I have been quite busy this weekend and only popped in periodically. You guys are the best :kiss: Thanks so much for all the words of encouragement. They really help alot. I don't wanna sound spoiled or ungrateful. But when you have a certain goal and you experience setbacks, it's very hard @ first. But like Tracy suggested, I'm gonna go with the silver lining approach. My hair DOES feel and look the best that I can remember, ever. I'm back in the game ladies. Thanks to you all. I'm gonna start Surging and taking my vitamins more consistently. Hopefully I'll gain my inches back in no time with my current ends still in tact. :)


New Member
Have you tried putting your hair in a ponytailw ith no elastic and no scrunchie? You bind the majority of your hair with a small section and tuck it under and secure with a bobby pin. That may be less stressful to your hair than the alternative.


New Member
UmSumayyah said:
Army, maybe you can try a french braid. It will still hold your hair up but there won't be any bands on it.

I wish I could. My hair is so blunt now though that it can't hold itself together @ the ends. I'd have to put something on there to secure it. I'd rather not put that kind of stress on the ends. I'm gonna start loosening up the ponytail a little more and just be more aware of the tightness.


New Member
Boadicea said:
Have you tried putting your hair in a ponytailw ith no elastic and no scrunchie? You bind the majority of your hair with a small section and tuck it under and secure with a bobby pin. That may be less stressful to your hair than the alternative.

This is what I should've been attempting all along. But now my hair is too blunt to acheive this. The ends keep popping out. I tried it with the good days hair pins.


New Member
Wanna trade hair? LOL! Shoot! Your hair is gorgeous! Are you sure I can't convince you to be a Feature of the Month again? :lol:


New Member
keylargo said:
sorry to hear about your frustrations. I understand where you are coming from. I must say though that your hair looks amazing. It looks so healthy and straight! It does not look like hair that can't handle a relaxer in my opinion. I don't think you would have gotten as much length as you have if your hair was too weak for a relaxer. Will you share your regimen?

Keylargo sorry I forgot to answer this for you. Well since about June of last year I decided to take a break from the hair regimens and just let my hair do it's thing. SO @ the moment I don't have a regimen per se. I've been really bad. I couldn't tell you when was the last time I did a deep conditioner. And I've only been washing it once a week vs. my daily rinsings.

Here's the stuff I have in my product rotation.

Kenra poo and CO
NTM poo
Elucence Poo and CO
Nacidit Olive oil & Avocado CO
Salerm Wheat Germ mask
Suave Milk & Honey/Citrus Smoothie for CO washes

Salerm 21
Lacio Lacio
L'anza protein

CD Hair milk
Miracle oil Mosituriser (MOM)
Elasta QP Mango butter (just got this over the weekend)
NTM serum

These are pretty much my staples. I don't wear my hair out often at all. When I'm being lazy I'm washing once a week. I never rollerset. Although I'd like to start. (looking for mesh rollers). I do everything in the shower. I never wash my hair in the sink unless I'm rinsing out a relaxer. I use a Jilbere shower comb to detangle my hair as I'm rinsing the CO out. I squeeze dry my hair. I never put a towel on it. Once I squeeze dry I add my leave-ins and a serum or some castor oil or a mixture and put in a ponytail. I usually airdry this way or sit under the dryer just like that.

And that's everything in a nutshell. :) I'm off to write my Phyto review :D


New Member
pebbles said:
Wanna trade hair? LOL! Shoot! Your hair is gorgeous! Are you sure I can't convince you to be a Feature of the Month again? :lol:

Ha!! Not until I make it to mid-back. Now THAT would be feat :lol: Lawd hold back the horses when that day ever gets hair. I will be posting so many pics y'all gonna get tired of me :lachen:

Thanks Pebbles :)