Do you guys think leaving the conditioner on for


New Member
what seems to be an exorbitant amount of time REALLY makes a difference?? OR do you think leaving it on the specified time, the hair will have reached the max benefits?? (give or take 5-10 mins)

Inquiring minds want to know!!

I think that I achieve better results when left on at least 25-30 minutes. I have tried doing it for a shorter period but I think the longer the better!
I was just thinking I hadn't seen you post in a while
I think 45 minutes to an hour is an improvement over 10-15 minutes but anything beyond that I don't see improved results.
This is what the motions hair care site says about conditioning.
In my personal experience, leaving the conditioner in too long (ie falling asleep with it)
has been disasterous. It works fine with 10-30min of conditioning for all the conditioners I've tried.
See the question about over-conditioning. It may be possible to do this.
Sorry, I didn't mean the question about over-conditioning.
I meant the question about leaving the conditioner in overnight. I would copy and paste it, but i can't!
My sister was going the a crisis (on the brinks of divorce) So we the kids and I went to spend almost 2 weeks with them to help them see divorce is NOT the answer for them. Anyways thanks for thinking about me

I think 25-30 mins is the max. I think hair will reach the max benefit. If you have to leave conditioner on for longer you probably are not using the right conditioner.

Xtal, I know it is possible to over condition, which is one of the reasons I posted this question.

Thanks ladies!

I think 25-30 mins is the max. I think hair will reach the max benefit. If you have to leave conditioner on for longer you probably are not using the right conditioner.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree.
Xtal, thanks for the link to the Motions site. I found the information about some questions that we've discussed here frequently (regarding whether it's really necessary to use heat with conditioners, and the length of time conditioner should be left on) very interesting.
"Q. I wear a wig everyday, is it still necessary that I condition my natural hair as normal or can I get away with doing it less often.
A. If your hair is covered constantly, it is weaker that if it were not covered. Condition it frequently."

I thought this was pretty interesting.

I just have to say, they should do a spell and grammar check! Everybody makes mistakes (including me) but it is a professional site, so they should do it.
Serena, I must say you have a nice head of hair!
Which one of the pictures is current (I was a little confused by the captions, sorry).
Maybe they meant that the cap or the wig will suck moisture from your hair, leaving it dry.
I think the protection from the elements like the sun will help keep your hair healthy. Besides,
a wig has got to be the ULTIMATE protective style.

I'm not sure, I think they should add more reasoning to some of their tips.
I think I achieve better results when I leave it on longer than what the instructions call for.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too. I find the longer the better. Not necessarily for 2 hours or anything but a good 30 mins to an hour makes a noticeable difference. My hair is like a sponge anyway and so I feel like I have to leave them on extra long than requested to let it really get 'stuck in there'
Serena, I must say you have a nice head of hair!
Which one of the pictures is current (I was a little confused by the captions, sorry).

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the compliment
. If you click on the thumbnails you will be able to read my comments and get an idea of the dates.
I usually leave my deep conditoners on for about 45 min to an hour for me i see the difference the longer the treatment the better for my hair.