Does anybody else leave in Suave for Tightly Curly? (w/ pics!)


New Member
I'm kinda half-:moon:ing the Tightly Curly method when I remember. I was wondering if it's alright that I use Suave conditioner as a leave-in/Combing conditioner even though it's listed as a Rinsing conditioner.

Anyone having adverse effects from this? It's just a lot of her combing conditioners are either out of my price range for co-washing everyday or they smell funny (I'm looking at you Aussie...).

Here's the Tightly Curly method for those not in the know: Curly Primer

And here are some pics for reference. The first 2 are my hair not doing the Tightly Curly method/just putting in some Cantu Leave-In or Elasta QP Mango Butter. The others are with Tightly Curly w/ Suave Orchid Blossom. Y'all should be able to tell the difference, haha.
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So I actually only use drugstore conditioners to rinse out. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, I just wanted to be nosy and look at your pics. Your hair looks healthy and shiny, I may have to try this out myself. :)
your hair looks great. I have nevr heard of the tightly curly method so I'll be back once i read up on it
No I've only used suave for rinsing out. I've used Aussie Moist (because it was the one Terri personally used) at first it was meh on its own. With added AV juice and oil it was better. I've now just modified tightly curly to mean using a copious amount to leave in for wng's. I really like yes to carrots but I don't like it for a rinsing conditioner though. My favorite rinsing conditioner is Tresemme naturals, but I've never used it as a combing conditioner.
bumping for a more responses. i know other people use this method, i've seen it on siggys. (thanks those who have replied! :) )
Yes i have but suave is garbage to my hair. When i do the curly primer i use a conditioner that has aloe vera gel or juice high in the ingridient list. I personally like aussie moist 3 min miracle .(much better than the regular conditioner) and most of the giovanni conditioners(some work better than others)
I use suave conditioner as a leave. But I'm new at this and don't really know about a lot of other products. I use suave as my co-wash conditioner, and now that I have my hair in braids I use a suave conditioner mixture with water and essential oils.
The tightly curly method is the method I generally use. I have used Suave conditioners (various types) as a combing conditioner and many others. Suave has worked well in my hair and honestly, there aren't too many that don't work out as combing conditioners. My experience with Suave has been just as good as with a condish that I've paid big $$$ for.
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Yeah that might work for her type of hair but if I use any conditioner I can't just brush it out and expect it to disappear...or am I missing something?
I dilute mine with a little water.

yes, even if while you are air drying you see some white spots where the conditioner hasn't disappeared yet, they will disappear once your hair is dry. so does any possible temporary crunch. I have very thick hair and I leave a lot of conditioner in my hair when I use this method because it results in more moisture and definition, and once it's dry it's shiny. I just make sure I avoid the scalp.

as long as the conditioner doesn't have damaging ingredients, or protein, (or glycerin/humectants for those who don't like them), then you can virtually use any conditoner. Her website has a section called "ingredient dictionary" that is great for checking the components of any conditioners that are not listed, I find it very complete and useful.
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