Does anybody elses hair HATE PROTEIN, or is it just mine.......


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, I just really can't understand it. My hair HATES PROTEIN!!! I just can't figure out why I get breakage and when I try to do something about it it breaks even more. I did an Aphogee 2 min protein treatment tonight and lost sooooo much hair. :nono: I could cry.:cry: I thought protein was supposed to stop breakage (and prior to this i've been avoiding protein for the last 2 months, i've only been using moisturizing products). What is a girl to do????
I used to think my hair hated protein too. What I discovred it mky hair needed extra, extra moisturizing when I used protein. I have also found that if I use a lighter protein on a consistent basis (followed by deep conditioning with mositure, of course) my hair is very happy with no breakage.

I don't think it's the protein; I think it is the combination of protein and moisture.
I also use to think my hair hated protein. Then I realize it hates stronge protein. My Hair loves light protein. I use GPB by Aubrey Organics . TRY IT, YOU WILL LOVE IT :grin:. You can get it at a whole food store or Vitman Shoppe. good luck
I thought mine did too, because I got more breakage and shedding after I used Aphogee 2 Min Reconstuctor. Although, I did follow it with a deep conditioning which was a protein/conditioner (ORS Mayo). But I washed my hair and deep conditioned 1 and a half week from then [which is now] w/ Humecto [my fav.] and it's still shedding :sad:
Protein overload can definitely cause breakage because it causes your hair to be brittle and reduces its elasticity. I believe that whenever most ladies on the board do a protein treatment, they follow with a moisturizing conditioner. I would do a mositurizing DC to restore your moisture and follow that with daily moisture sealed with oil to restore your hairs elasticity.

However, based on that experience, I would not conclude that your hair does not like protein because all protein is not the same. Your hair may not need a strong protein like keratin. However, it may do well with a conditioner that has other lighter proteins like silk amino acids, wheat protein, milk protein, etc. All protein is not created equal so you just have to find the conditioner that gives you the type and dosage of protein that you need.

I agree with BlackPearl...I have found that Aubrey GPB gives me the right protein dosage. It may be worth a try. I always mix mine with a moisturizing conditioner though as Im natural so my hair doesnt require alot of protein.
Also, take in to consideration your diet. I've found that my hair really doesn't like protein applied topically, but the more protein I eat, the better. For this reason, I rarely use a protein treatment on my hair (1 light protein every 4 months or so) and focus more on moisture. It's made a world of difference. Up your beef, soy, fish intake and I bet you'll see an improvement. I love morros too, but I don't know if that's protein or just good eatin :grin:

I don't know how true it is, but a stylist once told me that protein should only be used if you have excessive breakage/shedding and hair loss. Hair in good health shouldn't require extra protein. I don't know, that's what he told me.
My hair does not like strong protein, Aphrogee detsroyed my flourishing hairline and I had to start over. My hairline is slowly coming back. As another poster stated, my diet was already rich w/ protein so my hair was strong already. What my hair loves is Cholestorol Egg Protein ( light CON) and all ALTO EGO products. Well, worth the investment. :)
I thought mine did too, because I got more breakage and shedding after I used Aphogee 2 Min Reconstuctor. Although, I did follow it with a deep conditioning which was a protein/conditioner (ORS Mayo). But I washed my hair and deep conditioned 1 and a half week from then [which is now] w/ Humecto [my fav.] and it's still shedding :sad:
Girl don’t feel bad. Mine is too. I made a thread about the protein I used for a wash last week. I did a con wash a couple of days ago with just my dudleys hair rebuilder (which is protein and moisture) and it stopped for a while, but after that , my hair is dry and shedding and my ends are looking reaaal shabby. Even the part in the back where I got my trim. So now when I go to relax it, I probably wont see as much progress as I hoped. One thing that cut the shedding down a little bit, was adding my leave in and then moisturizing and sealing. My hair is clipped up out of sight (out of sight out of mind) so it not too bad right now.
My hair hates protein as well so that's why I only use it when my hair appears to be shedding way too much :blush:. I use Motions CPR which is a light/mild protein and I make sure deep condition afterwards..
I think there is a product on that two minute treatment bottle that is recommended to immediately follow it. It's like a moisture balancing something or other thingy. I cannot recall the name right now but many have told me that it's imperative to use both.

If all else fails - follow instructions (not that you haven't). :drunk:
My hair is protein sensitive. It was so bad that I gave up all products with even a little protein in them for several months. Currently, I will use light proteins on occasion, but I generally stay away from the heavy ones.
I would REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like to thank all of you for your great advice, I really do appreciate it (I was in the middle of a meltdown---I'm at the end now, lol). I really just think my hair responds very badly to heavy protein applied topically, I just assumed I needed it because everyone else uses it :nono: (goodness, the peer pressure on this board, lol) but I know that my hair is different. This is my second traumatic experience with Aphogee, lesson learned....
The ONLY time I use protein is when I apply a reconstructor (Motions CPR) when doing a self-relax, every 8 to 10 weeks. I use it after rinsing the relaxer but before the neutralizer for about 5 minutes. If I use protein any more often than that, I experience breakage, no matter how much moisturizing and DCing I do. I eat a lot of protein (fish, chicken, beef, etc.), so maybe that has something to to with it.
My hair loves light protein. One of my favorite daily leave-ins has protein. That said, I never use heavy duty proteins.
Protein is evil, will at least on my hair. Thought I needed it monthes ago before I discovered a routine. It was a bad idea, my hair was just a mess, was steps away from just cutting it all off because of the protein, the only products that solved my problems over night was this Indian shikaki bar soap I got for a buck or so and sunsilk anti-sponge conditioner. My hair does like henna though.