Does supposed to break/shed after Big Chop?


New Member
I did the big chop a month ago. I've noticed that since then, my hair has been breaking/shedding. It's fine when it's wet, but when it's dry, it's all over the place. Not a lot of hair, though. Even when I'm twisting my hair for the night, when I'm done twisting a piece of hair, I end up with some hairs on my fingers and clothes.

Is this normal after the big chop?
Congrats on your recent big chop. How long is your hair? I'm just guessing that, assuming all the straight ends are gone, you just need time to find the right products for your fresh natural hair.

Hopefully someone else has some more advice
Woah, OK I thought you had a TWA LOL.

I haven't perfected my hair care routine yet but what products do you use? Is your hair feeling dry at the end of the day? Is your hair fine? Would you say that you are experiencing more shedding or breakage?

Aubrey GPB seems to help me with breakage, and my recent dreaded trim cut down drastically on my shedding.
I wouldn't worry. I had breakage and shedding after my BC. I just had to find the right products and I was down to losing 1 end a day from breakage.
@NubianAngel - I'm still trying to perfect my routine as well. Right now I use elasta qp mango butter, ORS shea butter lotion, WGO, and virgin coconut oil. Yes, my hair feels esp. dry by the end of the day; it actually feels dry ALL day. I just tried the coconut oil tonight and fell in love! I'll use it tomorrow and see how it holds up. My hair is very thick. It seems to be little more breakage than shedding.

@dannie - WHEW!!! Thanks! I was getting ready to panic big time! I'm glad I'm not the only one to experience this!I guess my hair still has to get used to being natural. Did you do anything to stop it?
I used vitamin e oil on my ends and used Paul Mitchell the conditioner daily. It didn't revert my hair. I only combed my hair (and still do) with an afro pick and the breakage pretty much stopped. I think no matter how healthy your hair is you will always have breakage. Don't worry, just get your regime down to a science.
I had similar problems until I learned the right products. As for the dryness, misting my hair during the day with a homemade spritz helped. Misting it in the morning (fresh out of the shower) with a conditioner spritz and applying a homemade hair butter helped me tremendously. Also, don't know if you do this or not, but be sure that your hair is damp/wet before combing it. Hope this helps.
Did your breakage stop?

I have it too- it seems like if I ever touch the ends of my hair, I can pull off little broken pieces. My hair is not dry-

I use avocado oil, olive oil, and Aveda elixir leave-in. For deep conditioning, I use Queen Helene cholesterol, coconut milk, and olive oil.

I BC'd last year and experienced the same thing. I think my hair was sighing in relief from cutting out the relaxer LOL.

Seriously though, you need to find the right products for your hair. I am a product junkie so I will try most things at least once. I am getting better though.

Right now, I have discovered the joys of EVOO. My hair loves it. I slather it on before washing and sometimes sit under the dryer for about 30 minutes.
(I alternate now between Pantene Relaxed and Natural and CON , and conditioner washes usually everyday)

I detangle in the shower with conditioner (VO5, or Suave works good) and finger comb or use my Revlon wig comb I got from Sally Beauty Suppy. I seem to get less shedding/breakage with finger combing.

When I get out I use my Aura Elixir (I still love it) and apply some Jojoba oil. I seal the ends with Elasta QP Mango Butter. Thats it.

My hair got better as it grew out, but I colored it and the ends were severly damaged. I just cut off about maybe 2.5-3 inches to give it a chance to recover.
