Don't touch my hair? Yuck

Country gal

Well-Known Member
is what I felt like saying to my uncle on Christmas day. I come to my aunt's house on my dad's side. My uncle is like you look nice. I am like thank you. He says is that all your hair and I say yes. He was like so many black women wear weaves that it is nice to see your real hair. I was like yeah. So I am sitting down laughing at a story my cousin is re telling when my uncle starts running his hands through my hair. I fiqure okay he just wants to touch it once to feel it but then he gets doing it. Mind you I had just washed it and flat ironed it so I am thinking oh great I need to wash it again because I don't know if your hands are clean. I had to get up from the table because I didn't want to say stop touching my hair.

DOn't you just hate it when people touch your hair uninvitingly?
if he had just touched it it once i wouldnt mind. But since he continued i would have lost my temper.
It really irritates me when people stroke my hair. It always makes me feel like I'm a dog...don't DO that!
Once, I could have tolerated it but he continued doing it. Like how a man strokes his woman's hair so that kinda gave me the creeps. I don't think he meant anything by it but too close for comfort. I am not a touchy feeling person. I kinda understand where he was coming from, when I see healthy hair I want to touch it but I don't because it is a no no.
I feel you on that. I don't have much hair, but people seem to be interested in what little curls I have.

Then the typical BS starts.....
Men have a fascination with long hair. If a woman puts her hand in my hair, especially if it's hanging down, I figure she is searching for a track, but if a man does it, I know it is something of a male female type of thing. Males for the most part view our hair as our crowning glory just like in the bible and I think they almost get some sort of sexual thrill from putting their hands in it. I have gotten in the habit of making sure I keep away from them a safe distance (3 feet) in general. If you are in an elevator, turn your back to the wall if possible. Men will stroke their hands through your hair and actually pull on it in the elevator. I am sorry, you don't know where their hands have been and I always feel dirty afterwards. Creeps me out!
that is one of my biggest pet peeves.....ok so you they ask you if its say yes, they can see it but do they have to touch....yuck is right
That's the thing, my hair is not even long. It is probadly a litte longer than it appears in my album because I have a lot of new growth. I think we sometimes think our hair needs to be a certain length for people to appreciate.

Edie said:
Men have a fascination with long hair. If a woman puts her hand in my hair, especially if it's hanging down, I figure she is searching for a track, but if a man does it, I know it is something of a male female type of thing. Males for the most part view our hair as our crowning glory just like in the bible and I think they almost get some sort of sexual thrill from putting their hands in it. I have gotten in the habit of making sure I keep away from them a safe distance (3 feet) in general. If you are in an elevator, turn your back to the wall if possible. Men will stroke their hands through your hair and actually pull on it in the elevator. I am sorry, you don't know where their hands have been and I always feel dirty afterwards. Creeps me out!
Yuck is right :) I never touch other people's hair, so why do they feel it's okay to touch mine? Granted, I don't wear my hair down often, but when I do, I get the same questioning then touching as if they don't believe me when I say it's my hair :look:
ewww....Sorry that happened , but don't feel bad....It happened to me at my Christmas family party. This guy I did not know (might have been a one of my aunt/uncle's friend) kept tugging on my braids, but I just ignored him. Finally he tapped on my sholder and said I've been tugging on your braids for the longest time. I said, "oh I did not feel it" (BUT I DID) Then he was like, "I like your hair, nice girl." EWWWW I WAS SO GROSSED OUT....He was old enough to be my father. I gave him a nasty look and walked away.
webby said:
It really irritates me when people stroke my hair. It always makes me feel like I'm a dog...don't DO that!
EXACTLY!! they might as well pat me on the head and gimme a damn biscuit! very few people are allowed to touch my hair and the others get one warning and then a judo chop to the throat....i dont mess around!
That totally creeps me out. Why is wrong with people? My hair is an extension of my body, do NOT touch without my permission!
Not to generalize but a lot of people from the Caribbean at my school do this. 10 girls from first semester just walked right up to me and started touching my hair with out even asking or introducing themselves first, asking me what do I do to my hair.
Ayeshia said:
Not to generalize but a lot of people from the Caribbean at my school do this. 10 girls from first semester just walked right up to me and started touching my hair with out even asking or introducing themselves first, asking me what do I do to my hair.

Sorry, but that is a beat-down waiting to happen.
So what is the proper etiquette for touching hair. You know we need to create a LHCF book and have a chapter dedicated to proper etiquette when touching or paying someone a compliment.
I never liked this when i was relaxed and now that i'm natural i especially hate people petting my hair. I'm like, "damn it i just picked my twa out perfectly now youre putting your paws in it" :nono:. I notice so much more since i chopped that people seem to think it's okay to just walk up and try to touch my hair without even asking. Big Nono. -- jainygirl
I think it is rude and disrespectfull to just touch someone hair. But if they ask, and I say yes or no, then that's different. :)
people tend to ask me first...i dont generally look like someone you touch without permission, unless you KNOW depends on the style and who wants to touch it, as well as if i have to go out later :D cuz i know people who know how to touch my hair and leave it like they found it...but i know some who mess it up, so if i have to be somewhere and i dont want to look all lopsided and half did, then these particular people dont get to touch it....a lot of thought goes into the question of "can i touch your hair?"