Dry Rollersets, Bantu Knots, or Flexirods


Well-Known Member
What do you laidies use to set the curls on dry hair? Do you always wash first? I did a flexirod set with NTM Leave In and it came out pretty nice but the curls are getting droopier and droopier throughout the day.

Any recommendations for a product that will set curls on dry hair?

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Check out kitchen_tician's album and hair routine. She blowdries, curls her hair with curling irons, and uses satin rollers to hold the curls. She wears her hair in a scrunchi bun at night. Plus, she has some really long hair which I think helps her hold the curls! :grin:

Hope that helps.
I used to do flexi rod sets but I always washed my hair first. If I found some curls getting droopy after a couple days I just grab that strand, satutrate with water and resurl using the rod. The curls form quickly and the hair dries really fast so you dont have to worry about that.
When I wanted to do a set on dry relaxed hair, Lottabody was my product of choice. Just a light mist on each section did the trick.
Thanks all! I used Mango Butter and the curls set, we'll se how long it lasts. If it doesn't, I'll try the misting each section with very diluted lottabody.
I wash, apply a good leave in such as Salerm 21 on very wet hair then either roll it or put into bantu knots.