Dry scalp in hairline only


New Member
I've done a search for hairline issues and all I found was thinning hairlines. My problem is my dry scalp that only happens on my hair line. I've tried castor oil and that worked for a while and then I switched to more penetrating moisturizer and that stopped working. I've also been using T-gel and T-sal on my hair religiously and it doesn't help either. Its getting rather embarrassing.
Any suggestions?
Hmmm. It is a puzzling question. I can testify that thinning hair is very frightening!!!:( :( But, stay strong!!! :)

My first thought is: What do you was your face with? If you wash your face, the soap and drying chemicals many facial products contain may be seeping in your hairline (salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, alcohol), causing dryness, which, in turn, may be causing some breakage. Also T-Gel and T-Sal can be very drying to the scalp. Try cutting back or eliminating them altogether and see if it helps. Also, how are your styling your hair? If you are pulling your hair back often, this causes your scalp to be exposed to air, and can cause dry scalp.

I have a feeling it may take some more experimentation on your part to solve this problem. Try applying some moisturizers to your hairline more often (3-4 times a day) and see if it helps. Also, if you wear your hair back, try wearing it forward sometimes, or part it and kind of slick the "bang" area of your hair over your hairline for some protection. If you wash your face, mind not too get soap in your hairline, or cover your hair with a silk scarf or plastic cap before washing your face to limit exposure. Finally, instead of shampooing your hair, try just conditioner washing it for a while. I would also start up with the castor oil again which will help protect your scalp more. If this problem persists, maybe follow-up with your doctor who can refer you to a dermatologist.

That’s about all I can suggest, but I’m sure many others have great ideas…
Legend said:
Hmmm. It is a puzzling question. I can testify that thinning hair is very frightening!!!:( :( But, stay strong!!! :)

My first thought is: What do you was your face with? If you wash your face, the soap and drying chemicals many facial products contain may be seeping in your hairline (salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, alcohol), causing dryness, which, in turn, may be causing some breakage. Also T-Gel and T-Sal can be very drying to the scalp. Try cutting back or eliminating them altogether and see if it helps. Also, how are your styling your hair? If you are pulling your hair back often, this causes your scalp to be exposed to air, and can cause dry scalp.

I have a feeling it may take some more experimentation on your part to solve this problem. Try applying some moisturizers to your hairline more often (3-4 times a day) and see if it helps. Also, if you wear your hair back, try wearing it forward sometimes, or part it and kind of slick the "bang" area of your hair over your hairline for some protection. If you wash your face, mind not too get soap in your hairline, or cover your hair with a silk scarf or plastic cap before washing your face to limit exposure. Finally, instead of shampooing your hair, try just conditioner washing it for a while. I would also start up with the castor oil again which will help protect your scalp more. If this problem persists, maybe follow-up with your doctor who can refer you to a dermatologist.

That’s about all I can suggest, but I’m sure many others have great ideas…
Thanks so much Legend. I wash with Aveeno so Im not sure. I have also been wearing my hair back with my protective styles. I'll take some of your suggestions to heart.