For those who rollerset


Active Member
I've found a method of rollersetting that works for me. After I wash I put my hair in ponytails and wrap them (usually done on saturdays). If I want to rollerset, I wait until the next day. My hair is usually dry and I add a little profective as a setting lotion.
Maybe its the profective and there is something else I should be using, but My hair doesn't really hold a curl unless I use the pink rollers with the snap on caps. If I use the larger gray or purple ones, I'm lucky if I have bump on my ends after coming out from under the dryer.

I can't use the pink ones all over my head because they are too small (my hair's length surprises me every week, I always forget about shrinkage). My hair is to long for them so using them all over causes problems with breakage, but I want curls as well as body when I do a rollerset and can't seem to find an in between.

For those of you who rollerset, do you have any recommendations on either a setting lotion or a type of roller that is large enough for long hair, but does more than just smooth it out?
Have you tried the gold(sometimes they are orange) ones? They are larger than the pink but smaller than the purple ones. I use this size a lot. I also like your method of the wrapping 2 ponytails. Do you wrap them around your head? I say this because I hate waiting for my hair to dry but if I waited till the next day to rollerset as you do I may not mind it as much. Especially since I discovered Elucence Moisture Balacing makes a great setting lotion on dry hair.
Yes I wrap my ponytails around my head. The hair drys really smooth this way. I also found that the more ponytails I have the faster my hair dries so I try to do at least 2 but usually I do more.
I found that my hair does not respond well to a normal wrap. It will come out straight, but my hair doesn't feel soft to the touch nor does it feel very moisturized, and the hair at the crown is always way to poofy, and can't be combed without rewetting my hair. But the ponytails definitely do the trick.

Thanks for the recommendation on the rollers. Do you know if they have a specific brand name? The Sally's here only has the small green, the pink, the purple, the gray, and the extra large green ones.
If you give me a brand name I can try to get them to order them for me.
Also, thanks for the tip about the Elucence. I just ordered some on friday (income tax refund) and am waiting for it to get here.

Thanks Sweetcocoa
Hi notsomebody. I completely agree with you on the wrapping thing. For me, even though I like rollersetting, it takes a longer time than I care to sit most of the time. So what I did yesterday was put my hair in two ponytails, combed the ends smooth and flattened them out, then brought each one across to the other side and secured with a bobby pin. The process was very quick and it only took about an hour to get dry and my hair was still full. I really like this method. Next time, I'm gonna do 4 ponytails and see how that comes out. I'm gonna keep doing this for a while. I can always put curls in later with my caruso steam setters. Also I think wet wrapping is too much manipulation and puts too much strain on the hair.

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Notsomebody I got them at one of those little Korean shops. I couldn't find them at Sally's. I'll see if I can find a pic and post it. Where do you live? Maybe I can get them and then mail them to you. Let me know.
I am in Athens, Ga. If you can find a picture that would be great. Maybe I can find them online somewhere.

The reason I started doing my hair this way was because of the time factor involved with drying my hair. I discovered by accident how much softer my hair is doing this compared to a regular wrap. Also, I like the fact that it deals with my shrinkage problems. Man, whoever said that relaxed hair doesn't shrink has never met me.
The best part for me is that even my new growth gets smoothed out by this method. So the closer I come to touch up time the more ponytails I use. I have been able to stretch out my relaxer to 9 weeks insted of 7. This is a definite keeper for my regimen.
It also helps my roller sets go faster if I use more than two ponytails. Because I leave the sections in place, I can easily clip the others and keep them out of my way as a I roll one section at a time. For my hair the less I do to it while its wet, the better chance I have at controlling breakage.
i look stupid right now but i followed the advice of amillion and this site that shows you how to roller set and i took one of my rollers and some bobby pins. i rolled straight up and back and secured at the base with the bobby pins. my hair is dry and in braids but its a way to practice before i can do it wet. so far so good. it took me two seconds to get the hair together and the roller is in place. i may have to try this other method too. God bless you all.