Get Up And Love


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Get Up And Love
Tanya James
Many of us, if not most of us are quick to say how much we love God. God is the center of our joy, our very reason for living. God is our "this" and God is our "that" - we love God from the depths of our soul and spirit.
Loving God is a beautiful thing, but is our love something we just say?
Or do our actions back up those words?
One way we love God is by loving his people. John 14:15 says, "If you love Me, keep My commandments." There are many commandments we could discuss, but let's look at a particular one that says: "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12
Loving the way God loves us is a huge task because God love is unconditional. God knows EVERYTHING about us - the good, the bad and the "oh I hope no one finds out about this" - yet, He loves us.
We disobey and disappoint God...yet He loves us.
We don't listen to God's mandates...yet He loves us.
We are too busy to spend quality time with God like we should...yet He loves us.
We ignore His instructions and then beg for mercy when we fall down...yet He loves us.
We gossip, lie, cheat, steal, fornicate, abuse our temples,, He loves us.
We continue to do that "thing" we keep asking for forgiveness about and promise never to do again... yet He loves us. Now turn the tables and look how we treat those around us. Does our love for God's people even come close to the love God shows towards us?
Are we willing to see the good in people instead of always emphasizing the bad? Are we willing to help that sister or brother struggling with that addiction, or are we just going to continue to talk about them?
Will we reach out to that family that we know is in need or will we assume the next person will assist them? Will we pray for that couple whose marriage is suffering or just speculate about what took place? Will we embrace that young woman prostituting her body for attention and teach her what it means to love herself, or will we just turn our heads?
It's time out for being a Christian that simply talks the talk. Love is not passive - it's active. It's not just words, it's actions. So ask yourself, what will I do today to love on God's people? How can I strive to love others as God loves me?
Perhaps we will never make it to that place of loving as God does, but each day, we can work to get one step closer. So stop talking about love...
...get up and love!