Going from Light to Dark.. what's the best way?


New Member
Good Mornin' Ladies,

before I came to this forum, I wasn't really taking good care of my hair. I was experimenting with colors. It seemed like at first it was just a rinse, and then over the years i kept pushing it lighter & lighter It went from auburn to golden bronze, to honey blonde with light blonde highlights:naughty:... I know, I know.. I had no idea what i was doing to my hair!!

So i've slowly been transitioning to darker color, but the stubborn blonde just won't disappear!! I've put a jet black rinse on my hair twice, and the picture in my avatar is what i eventually end up with (i'm sure a few conditioner washes have something to do with it:))... and while i think its a pretty color, after years of color and its damage effects , I really want my hair to be black.

IT seems like a dye would be the only thing to darken my hair- the rinses seem to make only my virgin hair black, and the dyed hair brown with highlights... and henna scares me, i know that its good for the hair, but there are so many i wouldn't know which one to choose, and people say that the ones in the BSS are bad, and one website i saw was too expensive for me (college student.. correction BROKE college student:grin:)..

so, my questions are:
Are dyes that darken your hair just as bad as the ones that lighten them?
What is the best way to achieve black hair color?
If henna is the best way, where can i find good inexpensive henna?

Thank you ladies for your time and response, I really appreciate all that you've done to help me in my quest for healthy hair. :wave:
paradise224 said:
Good Mornin' Ladies,

before I came to this forum, I wasn't really taking good care of my hair. I was experimenting with colors. It seemed like at first it was just a rinse, and then over the years i kept pushing it lighter & lighter It went from auburn to golden bronze, to honey blonde with light blonde highlights:naughty:... I know, I know.. I had no idea what i was doing to my hair!!

So i've slowly been transitioning to darker color, but the stubborn blonde just won't disappear!! I've put a jet black rinse on my hair twice, and the picture in my avatar is what i eventually end up with (i'm sure a few conditioner washes have something to do with it:))... and while i think its a pretty color, after years of color and its damage effects , I really want my hair to be black.

IT seems like a dye would be the only thing to darken my hair- the rinses seem to make only my virgin hair black, and the dyed hair brown with highlights... and henna scares me, i know that its good for the hair, but there are so many i wouldn't know which one to choose, and people say that the ones in the BSS are bad, and one website i saw was too expensive for me (college student.. correction BROKE college student:grin:)..

so, my questions are:
Are dyes that darken your hair just as bad as the ones that lighten them?
What is the best way to achieve black hair color?
If henna is the best way, where can i find good inexpensive henna?

Thank you ladies for your time and response, I really appreciate all that you've done to help me in my quest for healthy hair. :wave:

Two best ways...let it grow out (aarrrgggghhh!) or dye it....yes even a darker dye (not rinse or cellophane) has at least a 10 or 20 volume developer in it...to open the cuticles of the hair and deposit the color. It is drying, and makes your hair feel a little hard, but a really good deep conditioner (clear cellophane or a Mizani moisturefuse) can help a lot....
Then again, my sister puts a black Jazzing on her hair b/c she feels the color is a "dirty, dusty black" and it covers nicely, but her hair is al ready dark. My mother covers her grays....rinses sdon't work..had t dye them.....but every one's hair regimens don't necessarily work for everyone else....good luck
brownsugar9999 said:
Two best ways...let it grow out (aarrrgggghhh!) or dye it....yes even a darker dye (not rinse or cellophane) has at least a 10 or 20 volume developer in it...to open the cuticles of the hair and deposit the color. It is drying, and makes your hair feel a little hard, but a really good deep conditioner (clear cellophane or a Mizani moisturefuse) can help a lot....
Then again, my sister puts a black Jazzing on her hair b/c she feels the color is a "dirty, dusty black" and it covers nicely, but her hair is al ready dark. My mother covers her grays....rinses sdon't work..had t dye them.....but every one's hair regimens don't necessarily work for everyone else....good luck

Its grown out about 1/3 of the way, it seems like its taking so long!! I hate the two-toned look right now.. Thank you for the advice on what to do if i do dye it.... that's something i never did, after all the blonde coloring, and im sure that made the breakage even worse

Thanks so much
paradise224 said:
Its grown out about 1/3 of the way, it seems like its taking so long!! I hate the two-toned look right now.. Thank you for the advice on what to do if i do dye it.... that's something i never did, after all the blonde coloring, and im sure that made the breakage even worse

Thanks so much
Girl..if it wasn't for the 2 toned look...I'D BE BALD!! Just condition the heck out of it....you can keep it healthy..
BerrySweet said:
Henna maybe? I've never used it but it might be an alternative.

I tried to do some research on henna... but it seems so confusing.. so many things to mix to get black, and i wouldnt know whether to use the body one or the one for hair
brownsugar9999 said:
Girl..if it wasn't for the 2 toned look...I'D BE BALD!! Just condition the heck out of it....you can keep it healthy..

I know what you mean!! I definitely have to do that
I had my hair near your color about 2 yrs ago. And was tired of the color and wanted my same ole black hair back. My Aunt told me about a rinse from Soft-Sheen Carson (Rejuvatone) it conditions as it colors. I luv this stuff!!!:love: :love: :love: It lathers just like poo and makes your hair so soft and beautiful. it worked for me. hopefully you havent tried this one and if you do decide to try it works for you.

You could try Bigen color, you can buy it at the BSS, it's cheap, natural, and will really get your hair dark w/o the damage of regular color. But get 1 shade lighter than you think you need because it comes out darker than the box color, I used Bigen on my fair gold blond highlights a while back and it worked not only the color, but the curl came back, that bleach straitened those patches of hair.
Or you could use brown, dk brown or black henna also natural and will help strengthen your hair. also condition it alot b/c your hair will still be dry from the previous bleaching/coloring you did. check the henna thread and link. hth
they sell henna here all shades including neutral and natural tone henna:


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Thanks ahsiar--Where can I find soft-Sheen Carson (Rejuvatone)? Is it in the BSS, sounds great, I need as much conditioning as I can get

Lucia-- I’ve seen Bigen before, and I think my mom suggested it when I said I wanted to color my hair. Funny you mentioned the straightened parts of your hair, I never knew why there were some strands on my hair that never seem to curl any more no matter how much scrunching I do Lol… now it makes sense that those are the lightest strands. Thanks for the links, I’m looking at them now. Thanks so much