Going to Weaves


New Member
Am ready to go back to putting my hair in weaves. So I have a few questions about weaves:

What type of hair do you use?

How often do you wash your hair?

What is you hair care regime while wearing the weaves?

What product do you use?

Do you let the hair dresser take care of our hair when in weaves or is it do it yourself.

Do you recommend them?
Am ready to go back to putting my hair in weaves. So I have a few questions about weaves:

What type of hair do you use? This time i used Extensions Plus zig zag curly. I loved it!! :) I used to use BSS but Saga or Goddess Remi the styles would be okay but nothing as natural looking as when i used the Extensions plus hair.

How often do you wash your hair? Well i kept the hair in for 2 months, so i had my weave stylist wash it once while i was wearing it. I was lazy i know but i just took my hair out today and its fine. And plus i didnt know how to handle with the hair being left out at the top and me being natural of trying to get my hair back to being straight enough to cover the wefts. When she did it it lasted and i would not apply heat on the hair just apply some moisturizer.

What is you hair care regime while wearing the weaves? Just keeping my hair underneath moisturized.

What product do you use? i dont have a particular products. i know my stylist gave me some. But i know for sure the best foam/moussee to use was the Natori because it didnt get my weave hair has hard as the others.

Do you let the hair dresser take care of our hair when in weaves or is it do it yourself. Yep this is the first time i went to her and had her take it down for me and wash and condition my own hair. Before then I went after the 1 month mark and had her tighten some areas and wash and condition my hair underneath.

Do you recommend them?
I used them during the time i was transitioning.
In my opinion Ediese is the best person to ask she has tons of info in her fotki!

But here is wat I do... Sew-ins are my #2 protective style after buns and I am getting one soon!

I use any hair really I am in college so those $100 price tags kill me! I use Beverly Johnson, urban beauty, unique weave.. I can't remember the others.. lol

I was my hair in sew-ins alot.. it works for me but most only wash once a week. but I co wash every 3 days... shampoo is thrown in there somewhere... everything I use is diluted with water!

My regimen consist of moisturize EVERY SINGLE NIGHT I first stray my braid with my aloe vera mixture ( aloe vera, glycerin, and distilled water) then I massage my braid w/ ORS oil moisturizer (I will start using MEGA TEX ON SCALP) and then seal with a light oil (like grape seed or Vitamin E).

I only go to the hairdresser for install.. I wash/manage and take out my own sew-ins! I have had 2 sew ins in 6 months and I love them!!!!

I hope this helps! Like I said Ediese has lots of info in her fotki... that's where I get my stuff!
What type of hair do you use? It depends on the style. I like Goddess Remy and Bohyme

How often do you wash your hair? Once a week

What is you hair care regime while wearing the weaves? Wash and DC once a week

What product do you use? Whatever shampoo and conditioner I'm using at the moment.

Do you let the hair dresser take care of our hair when in weaves or is it do it yourself. I do it myself.

Do you recommend them? Yes, but only if they are installed properly (not too tight) and you don't neglect your hair underneath.