Got the urge to relax...HELP!


New Member
I really want to relax my hair so bad, but I know that slow up my growth process. I'm just over 3 months post relaxer and theres alot of new growth. I'm not used to this curly thicker hair i have at the root. I want my straight hair back, however my hair grows faster without the relaxer...please help me resist :p
Think about it this way if you hold out a little longer you will have more new growth which means you will see more length on your hair when you finally relax. As long as your hair is still in a healthy state and you have no major breakage keep stretching girl. Remember the end result we want is long healthy hair so keep stretching!!!!:D
it's well worth the wait. i say find something that works and stick with it. i wore a ponytail after 3 months posts (for 2.5 months). i didn't enjoy it but i was oh so happy with the results. my new growth was extremly thick and healthy. just wait, you'll see :)