Gray hair, eeek!!! How to prevent it and how to deal with it?


New Member
Gray hairs, I think stress can bring them on. I saw one and I liked to died!! I cut it out instead of pulling it from the root. How do you ladies handle gray hair?
California said:
Gray hairs, I think stress can bring them on. I saw one and I liked to died!! I cut it out instead of pulling it from the root. How do you ladies handle gray hair?
Well, I definitely don't handle them by cutting them or pulling them from the root. I use/love Sebastian Colourshines in Neutral Brown (matches my natural hair color to a T). Mine definitely don't come from stress. On my Mom's side, most have gotten gray hair at very early ages. Hmph. My youngest niece Taylor had a couple of gray strands when she was TWO YEARS OLD.
I had 2 strands of grays on both sides by the ear, and I'm like, No way, Jose! I used Nice-N-Easy in Medium Brown and covered both of those stray gray hairs to a T. I wouldn't cut it at all. And the old wive's tale of plucking those gray hairs and having them grow back even more in the same place, NOT!!! Use a demi/semi or permanent color will cover those sneaky little devils. You don't want to be old, you want to be young and carefree, if you know what I mean.
