Hair Envy


Active Member
I started a new job back in October last year, and about a month or two later, noticed this woman with the most gorgeous hair. It's gotta be nearly waist length when curly, and is definitely a bit longer than waist length when straight. And it's so FULL - not all stringy and unhealthy. Anyway, I finally got the chance to actually talk to her (really big company - we call the place "campus" like we're in college or something) yesterday, and tell her how much her hair juss has me walking around jealous as hell. But now of course, I'm feeling a bit embarrassed for juss walking up to this random stranger to tell them how their hair insights some serious hair-envy in me. Anybody else ever done something like this?
belladionne922 said:
I started a new job back in October last year, and about a month or two later, noticed this woman with the most gorgeous hair. It's gotta be nearly waist length when curly, and is definitely a bit longer than waist length when straight. And it's so FULL - not all stringy and unhealthy. Anyway, I finally got the chance to actually talk to her (really big company - we call the place "campus" like we're in college or something) yesterday, and tell her how much her hair juss has me walking around jealous as hell. But now of course, I'm feeling a bit embarrassed for juss walking up to this random stranger to tell them how their hair insights some serious hair-envy in me. Anybody else ever done something like this?

What was her reply? Did you ask her regime?
I was at a conference in Atlanta last spring and saw a woman who had the most amazing hair. after staring all weekend. I did just tell her I admired her hair and ask her what she did - she said only her stylist/salon took care of her hair.

I feel no shame or embarassment asking someone. Hopefully, they'll take it as a compliment, and I will learn something.

So what happened after you spoke to her what did she say, what did you say - come on -details...
Oh she was totally appreciative and everything. I still haven't gotten around to asking about her regimen. I have noticed that she usually has her hair in a bun. But I think that has more to do with "being lazy" more than anything because when I first talked to her, she had it in a bun, but then today she had it down and said she wasn't as tired this morning. She doesn't like straightening it too much because it takes forever. She said if she does it by herself, it takes 3-4 hours sometimes.

It's juss funny because I am so totally fascinated with her hair. If there was some way I could have anybody's hair instead of my own, that's the chick whose hair I would want. I mostly like my hair - especially now that it's been growing - but you know how we all want what we cain't have. And ya'll have no idea how cold I was stalking her hair. I have a window seat at work, and I would get distracted. I think that's a big part of the embarrassment; I did tell her though, at least now if she sees me around campus juss staring at her hair she'll know that I'm not crazy - juss envious.
belladionne922 said:
Oh she was totally appreciative and everything. I still haven't gotten around to asking about her regimen. I have noticed that she usually has her hair in a bun. But I think that has more to do with "being lazy" more than anything because when I first talked to her, she had it in a bun, but then today she had it down and said she wasn't as tired this morning. She doesn't like straightening it too much because it takes forever. She said if she does it by herself, it takes 3-4 hours sometimes.

It's juss funny because I am so totally fascinated with her hair. If there was some way I could have anybody's hair instead of my own, that's the chick whose hair I would want. I mostly like my hair - especially now that it's been growing - but you know how we all want what we cain't have. And ya'll have no idea how cold I was stalking her hair. I have a window seat at work, and I would get distracted. I think that's a big part of the embarrassment; I did tell her though, at least now if she sees me around campus juss staring at her hair she'll know that I'm not crazy - juss envious.

:(Don't say that, you too can have gorgeous hair and you are in the right path, sooner than later you will be there. You are taking good care of your hair so just be patient.:) ;)
la flaca said:
:(Don't say that, you too can have gorgeous hair and you are in the right path, sooner than later you will be there. You are taking good care of your hair so just be patient.:) ;)
Aw, thanks, girl. I'm working on it, but sometimes, it seems like my hair ain't never gonna grow. And then I meet people whose hair juss makes me :drool: it's so healthy and long and thick and juss pretty in general. I think "hair envy chick" as I've been calling her until finally getting up the courage to speak to her, might have to be my new hair buddy. Though, I'm so completely hair obsessed, she might think maybe I really am crazy.
I know some women who were that way, and they went too far . . . as far as cutting the other person's hair off. It was sad. They couldn't keep their hair envy under control, and it got the best of them.

The victims willingly shared their hair care regimen, because they took it as a compliment. If they only knew then what they know now. Now they're on the defensive side because of what happened to them.
Like la faca said, "you too will have gorgeous hair". Who knows, your hair might even be more gorgeous than hers. So be prepared when some random stranger comes up to you and raves your hair........:p
No random strangers yet. And I'm thinking I'm gonna join one of the HYH challenges soon so really ain't nobody gonna be saying nothing bout my hair. Oh well. I like my hair for the most part. It's juss every now and then I see someone whose hair drives me to jealousy. Like la flaca's new pics in her signature. If I could get my hair to curl like that, I would be so happy. But I need more length before I even think about doing anything curly.