Hair Shampooing


Well-Known Member
How often do you all shampoo in the summer. I can barely stand to go a week as my scalp sweats and my hair starts to smell after 5 days. I don't like washing it that often due to having to flatiron and don't want to damage my hair but then I am used to washing it at least 2 to 3 times per week. Do you all have any suggestions. TIA


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
I poo once or twice a week.

Why do you you have to flatiron? Have you tried rollersets or curly styles like bantu knots or flexi rod sets?


New Member
I only shampoo/ACV rinse (more common for me) once a week or two. I cowash so much that my hair never gets the chance to get smelly.


natural for good
My hair regimen is to shampoo and DC w/heat twice per week..... Wednesdays and Saturdays....without fail:yep::yep:


New Member
I shampoo once a week using my chagrin valley shampoo bars and follow up with either lemon juice or acv mixed with conditioner, but when I co-wash I use an herbal tea mix of sage, rosemary, rose hips, and nettles 1-2 times per week, and it does a good job of keeping my scalp cleansed.


natural for good
Really, and you have had no breakage, Do you blow dry and flatiron?

Nope, no breakage. I NEVER:nono: blowdry, and only flatiron every 90days for boot camp length checks. I wash, deep condition, rinse, apply leave-ins/oils, bun/bantu-knot/flat-twist, tie with scarf, go to bed. Next morning, bun & go. Been doing this for 'bout 7months now. I love the results. I am retaining my length, this helps with my strectching too.