Happy Sabbath ...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Whichever day you worship, Saturday or Sunday "Happy Sabbath" to you with love. The Sabbath is just a very special day for each of us who worship.:love3:


Sunday, November 13, 2011


In the presence of God, I am renewed.

Squeezing one more task, errand or responsibility into a day can leave me so focused on "doing" that I seem to do nothing well. This is my wake-up call--a realization that by doing more and more things, I am neglecting my own spirituality.

Observing a Sabbath, I take time away from rushing to be alone with God or to gather with others in worship. The Sabbath is about being fully in the presence of God and recharging my spiritual battery. Physical renewal springs forth when I make time for the renewal of my spirit. I am refreshed by a wellspring of divine energy and life.

As I put God first, all else falls into place. My "doing" takes on new meaning and purpose, because I know my oneness with God.

Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy.--Exodus 20:8

Source: www.dailyword.com