Has Anyone Gone 2 Khamit Kinks Salon NY ?


New Member
Has anyone gone to Khamit Kinks Hair Salon in New York City to get Twists with Extensions done ? If anyone has Please let me know how you experience was and how much it cost ( also did you have to use the hair that they sell ?) Thanks
Yes, I have. I patronized them repeatedly for 8 months a few years back. They are very expensive (I paid almost 600 bucks for micros). I used the hair they had on site. I liked them because they were very gentle for the most part. At that time, I had already lost some hair due to highlights and I wanted to avoid further breakage at all costs. I also did the twists with extensions. I can scrape up a photo to send you if you PM me. I did not like the twists with extensions. I took them out because the style slips a lot and I had to keep going back to have them fix the twists. I was on my way to Greece and I wanted to swim and all, so I got rid of the style, lest all the twists ended up in the ocean!
I have also done their cornrows (love those the best). They are super expensive, I will say this again. I chose them because I did not want to take any chances on the people around the way in Jersey City. I went that route, too and I was ready to take that stuff out! I NEVER had pain or itching with Khamit Kinks. Anyway, let me know if there is something else I can help you with. HTH. I am sure there are comparable braiders for cheaper, but I just did not want to do the footwork! I was too through at that point!
Oh, I think I paid somewhere between 300-350 for them. I do not remember exactly. I paid anywhere from 175-250 for cornrows! And to think, I wasn't even keeping them in that long because I was paranoid that my hair would dread at the roots!
Thanks for replying :0) Has anyone else had their hair done at Khamit Kinks I would also like to know about your experience there Thanx
i went to the red creative salon for my kinky twist soem yeas ago, when i thout i was gonna lock my hair, i paid 400..for my style...i hated it, and i looked horribile in the style.......i kept it in for 2 weeks.....
wowzers i cant imagine. i was p.o'd when i paid $100 for micros. but that was highway robbery when you think about it because that included hair. i guess when you consider that the "shop" had no plumbing and 20 people getting braids and i saw a rat that what i saved in $ I spent in stress. if you can take the enviornment I would suggest one of the many african shops in Harlem. Just get off the train with a black plastic bag and someone will meet you and take you to the shop. bring your own comb and no purse. LOL I was skurred!!!