Have you seen the commercial for Empress re-gro?


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

Who has seen the commercial for the Empress re-gro system? I was watching BETJ (I'm in in NYC and don't know if everybody gets that channel) and on comes this commercial for a hair re-growth system. They claim it can re-grow hair in bald spots due to alopecia, bad perms etc. I thought somebody may wanna look into this. They're offering a full money back guarantee and a free trial. They say you see results in 90 days or so.

Here's the website:


I just breezed through the site and didn't see an ingredient list..except for 2% Minoxidil

I hope this info is helpful to somebody.
Ok, I scrolled down and read that site as mynegro
I *think* someone on this site may have asked about it, but I may be wrong. I think they changed their minds because of this:

"In order to keep your new hair you must continue to use Re-Gro twice daily. Otherwise, the hair loss process will start again."

I think 2% Minoxidil will work, but some of those before afters just look like they combed the hair forward, changed a style with more volume...like they just sat them in the styling chair and in the "after" picture, made sure they cut the clothing out so you couldn't see it was a photo shoot from the same day. :drunk:
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For really? I didn't even look at the site like that. I just saw the commercial and thought "ooh this could help somebody".:blush: Oh hell to the nah, any product that reverses the benefits of using the product is a no no in my book..sorry