Heat stimulates growth, which is why frequent visits to a salon promotes growth??


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, here is my theory that I have been pondering last week and I have concluded... (All of you LHCF pro's please chime in with your experience/theory. All of you LHCF rookies feel free to ask questions....)
Maybe I'm a little bit slow but i have realized the reason why a womans hair grows so fast when she frequents a salon. It's the heat from the profesional dome dryer! We all know that heat stimulates growth, which is why a persons hair grows faster in the summer than in the winter. So during the past 2 months, I haven't been getting my usual summer growth..i've only gotten like 1/2in in 2months. :mad: And my sister has got probably 1.5inches because she's been going weekly for a rollerset and flatiron.
And we've ALL experienced a stylist telling us "If you come see me regularly, I'll make your hair grow!" Like they have magic hands and potions or something.

I'm wondering do you agree? Did you already know this? Or is this the first time that you've put 2 + 2 together, like me?

I REALLY need the motivation to start going weekly...for the past 1.5years I only go to get a touch-up and thats all...
I thought it was the humidity of summer and the high moisture count of summer air vs the dry heated indoor air/dry cold outdoor air from heaters that caused greater hair growth in summer v winter?

I read that artificially heated air (air dryers, blow dryers, heaters) causes breakage, so I dunno... :perplexed
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I'm interested in replies to this theory...it's a good theory. (smiles)

Although I have been going to the salon weekly for 10 weeks before my sew in for 6 weeks. My hair grew at the same rate even though I went weekly. I sit under the dome dryer during my deep condition. So I don't think it works for ME, but it may work for others.
Im a Heat Meiser and I would have to say I cannot agree with that totally..

I think another reason hair grows better in the summer, people seem to drink more water, and eat healthier (salads , fruits etc... )
Honestly, I think its an illusion.

If u think about it, the salon get your roots and hair super straight every time. So, you SEE the growth.

Whereas when you air dry or dry at home, the fact that we are NOT using high heat means our hair retains some of its texture, making it appear shorter.
macherieamour said:
Honestly, I think its an illusion.

If u think about it, the salon get your roots and hair super straight every time. So, you SEE the growth.

Whereas when you air dry or dry at home, the fact that we are NOT using high heat means our hair retains some of its texture, making it appear shorter.

Exactly!!:grin: :grin:
KhandiB said:
Im a Heat Meiser and I would have to say I cannot agree with that totally..

I think another reason hair grows better in the summer, people seem to drink more water, and eat healthier (salads , fruits etc... )

This was my theory. I excercise in the summer, I drink lots of clear juices and water, I take my vitamins. I also condition my hair a lot because the heat/humididty kills the styles quick!
I'm not an expert but I cant agree only because there are too many variables that come into play in the summer time. Someone stated above that its humidity, and i'll add, heat and different eating patterns that change when the weather changes.

Your sister may have 1.5inches of (lets say) new growth but did she start a new exercise regimine (which promotes growth), change what she eats. Lastly,her hair (incl.NG) is STRAIGHTER than yours and gets it done at a salon so you can't really tell how much NG she really has.
I think it has more to do with heat dryers straighten your hair out, so it appears longer then when you are styling without heat. But I don't think it causes the hair to grow more.

As for the summer, my guess is that people are more active in warm weather and so their circulation stimulates hair growth internally than in the winter when you may be more sedentary. Also, many people wear no heat styles because of the humidity and that moisture probably limits breakage. And if you straighten it out less, once you do wear a straight style, you may see a bigger growth spurt.
Don't say that because my hair didn't grow back as rapidly in its natural state w/o heat after a whole year. Everytime I BC'd before with chemicals my hair would be past shoulder in a years time.
I think you maybe on to something. Maybe I will do a press challenge for 6 months to see if growth accelerates:confused: .
Macherie & Khandi, GREAT THEORIES! I'm glad yall mentioned this because i never factored this into it. My sis didn't change anything in her routine. As far as me, i haven't changed anything either. Comparing my growth from this summer to any past summer...the growth is very minimal and the only thing that has changed is me not going to a salon for rollersets every 2weeks. But i think you ladies might be right, it may be an illusion....
NO, NO, NO!!! I refuse to be the cause of your hair's demise! :look: I don't think that FREQUENT presses are good for the hair. I am talking about indirect heat from a dome dryer that is stimulating the SCALP. Heat is bad (flatirons, curling irons, hotcombs), but indirect heat from dome dryers are safer and less damaging. And possibly the cause of stimulating growth...which is my theory...:)

firecracker said:
Don't say that because my hair didn't grow back as rapidly in its natural state w/o heat after a whole year. Everytime I BC'd before with chemicals my hair would be past shoulder in a years time.
I think you maybe on to something. Maybe I will do a press challenge for 6 months to see if growth accelerates:confused: .
Mizani_Mrs said:
NO, NO, NO!!! I refuse to be the cause of your hair's demise! :look: I don't think that FREQUENT presses are good for the hair. I am talking about indirect heat from a dome dryer that is stimulating the SCALP. Heat is bad (flatirons, curling irons, hotcombs), but indirect heat from dome dryers are safer and less damaging. And possibly the cause of stimulating growth...which is my theory...:)

:lachen: :lachen: Don't worry I am not going to go pressing crazy. I believe the dryer is better. I really do miss doing my own rollersets though. Maybe I'll try a rollerset on my natural hair.
Mizani Mrs. you may be on to something. I have 2 friends who's hair has sprouted overnight and it's healthy. They both visit the same stylist regularly. They told me they don't take vitamins or do anything special just get their hair done every 2 weeks.
So I started going to the same stylist:look: . She must be doing something right.
Bi-weekly salon visits = less manipulation in between visits (because the style normally lasts), scalp stimulation from the water pressure from the sinks :spinning:, quality products, smoothe cuticles (normally from heat styling) and the massage therapy of someone else doing your hair.

Summertime means more outdoor activities or I should say we are more active period ---> increased blood circulation, increased water intake, humidity, and the list goes on . . .
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Our hair does grow faster in the summer, but as a throwback to our Neanderthal days, and only slightly faster. Simply put, we're not "hibernating" as much and therefore all out systems speed up a bit. Factor in the increased activity, moisture, and healthier eating and you have an explaination. Hair also does grow faster in warmer climates vs temperate or colder climates, but I think that the added heat will damage the cuticle and cause breakage. JMHO
Mizani_Mrs said:
And my sister has got probably 1.5inches because she's been going weekly for a rollerset and flatiron.
And we've ALL experienced a stylist telling us "If you come see me regularly, I'll make your hair grow!" Like they have magic hands and potions or something.

This may seem interesting, and I have been doing some research myself, but I am coming to realize that it is may be the roller sets more than the heat that promotes hair health and growth, if your hair relaxed (and I see in your sig, it is).

I asked my stylist, who is very knowledgeable about chemistry and the chemicals she uses (she used to be a teacher). I didn’t see her a for a couple of months, and I mentioned to her how much I missed her roller sets because my hair seems to grow better with them. She told me something interesting: the chemical bonds of a relaxer end in a “C” shape. Therefore, chemically straightened ends “wants” to be in a “C” shape aka curled under. :confused: I was fascinated, and she’s always full of excellent knowledge, so I had to check it out. I love science, and I do know certain chemicals form different shapes, but even she admitted it’s pretty involved piece of science, so I take her word for it until I find the solid evidence I am searching for.

Maybe there’s a more “chemically inclined” sister out there that can help out? :D

My question is—and I *think* too much for my own good :brainy: :lol: —is why hair doesn’t grow faster in the fall and winter months? Surly we would need more hair then as the primary function of our “crowning glory” is to protect our brains. Well, don’t our brains need more protection as the weather turns cooler? Now, it could be that because many of our ancestors come from the equatorial region, and hotter climate, therefore weren’t subject to those climatic changes people from, say, far northern climes were. But, seeing that I live in New England, I just don’t understand why I get most of my shedding in November and growth in July. :ohwell: It’s something interesting I think about.
Legend said:
This may seem interesting, and I have been doing some research myself, but I am coming to realize that it is may be the roller sets more than the heat that promotes hair health and growth, if your hair relaxed (and I see in your sig, it is).

I asked my stylist, who is very knowledgeable about chemistry and the chemicals she uses (she used to be a teacher). I didn’t see her a for a couple of months, and I mentioned to her how much I missed her roller sets because my hair seems to grow better with them. She told me something interesting: the chemical bonds of a relaxer end in a “C” shape. Therefore, chemically straightened ends “wants” to be in a “C” shape aka curled under. :confused: I was fascinated, and she’s always full of excellent knowledge, so I had to check it out. I love science, and I do know certain chemicals form different shapes, but even she admitted it’s pretty involved piece of science, so I take her word for it until I find the solid evidence I am searching for.

Maybe there’s a more “chemically inclined” sister out there that can help out? :D

My question is—and I *think* too much for my own good :brainy: :lol: —is why hair doesn’t grow faster in the fall and winter months? Surly we would need more hair then as the primary function of our “crowning glory” is to protect our brains. Well, don’t our brains need more protection as the weather turns cooler? Now, it could be that because many of our ancestors come from the equatorial region, and hotter climate, therefore weren’t subject to those climatic changes people from, say, far northern climes were. But, seeing that I live in New England, I just don’t understand why I get most of my shedding in November and growth in July. :ohwell: It’s something interesting I think about.
Now, we all don't live in climates where fall and winter are experienced as cooler seasons. Some of us live in perpetual summertime - warm or hot weather all year around. If this theory is correct, then all ladies (and guys) living in warm to hot climates would have faster growing hair. That should be easy to prove on this hair board since we have members from all over the world.

That is an interesting theory your stylist has Legend about the chemical bonds of a relaxer and the "C" shape.
KhandiB said:
I think another reason hair grows better in the summer, people seem to drink more water, and eat healthier (salads , fruits etc... )

I do believe this is one of many reasons that contribute to hair growth, because in the summertime, I crave water, ice cold water and can drink 5-6 16-18 oz cups in a day. I also like to have lighter foods, which would salads and fruits, because it just so hot that I don't want heavy foods. I know that may sound funny, but that is how I feel during the summer months.
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I use warm/hot water for my daily co-washes. Heat is supposed to stimulate circulation and oil production. Maybe this is the reason for the increased growth.
Isis said:
Now, we all don't live in climates where fall and winter are experienced as cooler seasons. Some of us live in perpetual summertime - warm or hot weather all year around. If this theory is correct, then all ladies (and guys) living in warm to hot climates would have faster growing hair. That should be easy to prove on this hair board since we have members from all over the world.

Good point! It's such a strange thing. It should almost seem that folks in very cold climates should experience accelerated growth. :confused: However, the body does generally go into a "dormant" stage during the winter months...But, again, like you wrote, Isis, this doesn't make sense for people in warmer climates. Oy!!! :perplexed It really is an interesting issue. :scratchch

Isis said:
That is an interesting theory your stylist has Legend about the chemical bonds of a relaxer and the "C" shape.

It's likely a fact about the chemical bond shape (she really knows her stuff). But, I don't know if that translates into the hair "prefers" to be curled. :ohwell: I trust her, but I want to be sure. I'll drill her when I see her this weekend. :armyhat: In the meantime, I've been keeping my hair curled.....

just in case...... :look: :lachen:
In england its only hot once a year. My hair grows like mad in the summer heat. but when i went to jamaica its sweltering every day, and my hair grew like mad. some girls had slow growing hair tho. maybe the body gets used to the climate and just adjusts so the hair grows average.

and the salon is naughty!