HELP! I don't trust a salon to straighten my hair/clip my ends - BUT I NEED IT!


New Member
Here's my problem... I joined this board because I've heard success stories about people who grow out their hair with the help of this site's knowledgeable members, so I figured I'd give this a shot.

I've been natural for what seems like forever - since I was 14 - and I'm 24 now. In that time, I've been to salons or had my hair done professionally maybe half a dozen times -and each time, I was dissatisfied with the service.

About my hair: I've BCed at home twice. First at 15 - and again at 20 to get rid of bleaching damage. My hair is fine-stranded, but VERY dense (so it seems thick), 3c coils with tons of frizz. I'm growing out layers I foolishly cut myself a few years ago; my bangs are at jaw length, and I'm at APL in the front, BSL in the back - and trying to get to WL in the front, BSL in the back.

The problem is that my home clipping doesn't last. A few months out and my ends are just as rough as they ever were. I seal my ends and all of that good stuff, but still suffer fairly significant breakage. I've been at my current length for about a year. That's nuts, right?

My sister and I naturally have a similar texture, but she straightens at least once a month - except in summer. Her texture's been relaxed to a very loose, smooth 3b due to heat training/damage - or whatever you want to call it. She rarely suffers breakage now and keeps her hair between APL and BSL. It always seems very healthy. But our hair reacts WILDLY differently to salon styling.

She goes to an Egyptian salon that I don't like. While I like her hair - and have a few friends who go there - I absolutely do not want ANY heat damage changing my curl pattern.

That said, I neeeeeed some professional shears on my head. I not only need my ends clipped - I need my layers shaped so that my hair grows out properly. I now know that my blunt scissors have done far more damage than good.

ADVICE? Has anyone else dealt with this? I live in Chicago and could REALLY use any reccommdations of a good salon that knows how to cut and style natural hair. I rarely straighten, but I'd like to get my hair cut so that it looks good when I do - that's why I don't want to do a Deva dry cut. And I don't want to try some random salon that will hack off all the length that I've worked SO LONG to achieve.

I've considered straightening at home and then going to a salon for the cut, but I don't really get my hair straight enough to do that.

Surely someone else has dealt with this and can help out. I'm kind of stressing over here.
I'm sure you can get a Deva cut that will look good straight; Taren916's cut was really cute straight. I think you just have to make sure the stylist understands that that is what you want.

There's probably someone who can do a Deva style cut for a decent price in Chicago.

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Have you looked up salons in the Salons Review forum?

Also, some of the chicks here go to Supercuts. they say that the "cutters" give you exactly what you ask for, no drama included.

I'm in the south suburbs and have a hair stylist that I love. She's great with natural hair (I even trusted her with my DD) and she took the time to show/teach me what she does. She even made me use the blow dryer and do a section of dd's hair during her appointment. She actually is natural and protective styles under a weave. She's always trying to get me to go natural, but I'm not ready. She has never cut too much of my hair and I've seen more growth/retention since I switched to her from my former SHS. When she clipped my dd she called me over to see how little she was cutting. She said she'll never cut more than a client wants. She even told me, "I want you to see I'm not scissor happy.":blush: What stylist says that???