Help w/hot oil treatment? (I had a breakout!)

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
After reading here about the success people have had with pre-poo hot oil treatments, I started using VO5 Hot Oil Shower Works before my last two shampoos. After the second time, I broke out around my hairline . . . I'm talking the forehead AND the sides. :eek: Now, I was PMSing around the time I got the breakout (and I usually do get acne when Aunt Flo comes around), but I'm wondering if it was the hair products? Here is the breakdown of what I used on my hair these two times . . .

1. Pre-poo w/VO5 Hot Oil Shower Works
2. Shampoo once with Carol's Daughter Tui Herbal Shampoo (I bought this on sale at Sephora for $10. Although I love the smell and think it makes my hair soft, I find that it doesn't soap up very well and also leaves a film on my hair. So, after using it, I always follow with my regular shampoo and conditioner . . . )
3. Shampoo once with Motions Lavish Conditioning Shampoo (to wash ou the Carol's Daughter Product).
4. Condition with either Motions At-Home Nourish LeaveIn Conditioner OR Motions At-Home After Shampoo Moisture Plus Conditioner.

(I've been doing Steps 2-4 together for a few months now, so I don't think the problem is the CD product.)

So, yeah, I think VO5 is the culprit. But, I really do like doing a hot oil treatment . . . I find it makes a big difference in the quality of my hair. So, I'm wondering what type of pre-poo treatment you all use and/or what you would recommend? (I may give the regular VO5 a try . . . the one you heat up before using.)
Olive oil and castor oil are tried and true hot oil treatments that are less likely to break you out. HTH
Kristal said:
Olive oil and castor oil are tried and true hot oil treatments that are less likely to break you out. HTH

Okay - so how should I prepare the olive oil? Or do I just slather it up there before pooing?

When I have used olive oil to prepoo, I mix equal parts oil and honey and heat it then apply it to my hair. I keep a plastic cap on for about 40 minutes to an hour and then wash. The results are great.