how can i stop my hair breakage?


Well-Known Member
hi everybody, just like to introduce myself as i am new to this forum. i have natural long 4a/4b hair which i'm currently growing to waist length. i have experienced some breakage on the ends of my hair, does anyone know whether motions cpr deep conditioner or infusium 23 can help with this problem?
Hello Den. Sorry to hear about your breakage problem. What products have you been using? How often do you wash your hair? Do you do deep conditioners? How long have you had this breakage problem? Sorry for all the questions, but having this info will enable everyone here to give you the most comprehensive reponses to your "specific" issues.
Hi armgyt, I currently using Wildgrowth hair oil, as a daily moisturiser. I've recently used motions cpr treatment conditioner, which helped. I must admit that i do not wash my hair often, as i keep my natural hair braided to grow it out.I also take vitamin supplements; amino acids, biotin, fo-ti, evening primrose oil, kelp, multivitamins (to name few). I,ve only really noticed the breakage problem a few days ago when i loosed my braids and combed my hair out, some ends had broken off, it was much more than usual.
Sometimes when you keep your hair up for a few days and then take it down you will notice some extra shedding. This is the accumulated hair of what you would have been losing daily. That is one possibility.

Another possibility could be due to the weather change. Since it's getting colder now in most places, the amount of moisture we were using is no longer adequate. We have to compensate for the extra dry air sucking the moisture out of the hair. If you don't already do so, I would suggest doing a deep conditioner 1 to 2 times per week with a really good moisturizing conditioner. Always be sure to use a good leave-in that is very moisturizing.

As far as stopping the breakage, I would recommend a good protein conditioner. Try the ORS Hair Mayo with heat for 15 min. Motions CPR is also supposed to be good. All in all, there are many things you can do to fix this problem. I think the underlying factor here MAY be a lack of moisture. Hopefully this helped some. Yell if you have any ??? I'm sure you'll get more advice from the other ladies here as well. Good luck! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I have experienced breakage as well with my 4a hair. Here's how I keep it under control:

1. Make sure it is moisturized. Dry hair is brittle and prone to breakage. The best moisturizer is water.

2. Coat your hair with shea butter. It has all the benefits, and none of the disadvantages: this non-greasy, non-filmy balm protects your hair from the cold, is water soluble (unlike oils) and strengthens the health of your hair.

3. Try to keep friction of your hair. Our hair tangles easily when made to brush against objects, including combs and brushes. Put hats and scarves on carefully; try to mind other objects that are brushing (and tangling) your hair.

To Honeyvibe, thankyou for replying to my question on hair breakage. I do actually lightly moisturize my natural braids daily and I currently use infusium 23 leave- conditioner, thanks for your suggestions.
Hi den1,
Welcome to the board. Aphogee treatment for damaged hair is good as well. Start doing a protein treatment regularly until you get some control on the breakage a.s.a.p.(1x a week). Be sure to follow the protein treatment immediatly with a moisturizing conditioner to keep your hair from drying out. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hi Den1,

If your ends are coming off then it is breakage not shedding (which is normal and comes out from the root). If it is "shedding" then don't worry too much about it, it occurs after accumulation of everday shed hair being put up.

If it is breaking from the ends when you comb then I would moisturize then ends next time you wear them in braids. Were the braids your hair? Try clipping the ends a little to stop breakage. And mindful enough next time to moisturize very well on the ends.

Pebbles I personally wouldn't advocate the use of the Aphogee once a week. That is a very strong concentrated protein. About once every 6 weeks is more realistic for use of the Aphogee, as you may begin to experience the adverse effects of too much protein, which is more breakage and dryness.
I definitely agree with this. I have been using the aphogee for a while since I learned that I didn't have to be a professional to apply it. I use it the week before I relax my hair. I find that it works wonders on the condition of my hair. My sister uses it the week after a relaxer and she loves it.
It is a great product, but it is definitely not something to be used lightly. It is so strong that you should notice an improvement immediately and won't need to do it again. If it has made an improvement, but you don't think it has made a big enough one, try using a reconstructor or protein conditioner the following week. Something that is not as strong as Aphogee. Always follow protein with a moisturizing conditioner otherwise your hair will get dried out and start breaking all over again.
Good LORD have mercy!! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
I meant 1x a MONTH, which is what my hairdresser recommends! I didn't realize I said 1x a week!! SORRY!!! /images/graemlins/confused.gif Those darn kids can so distract me sometimes!!!
the reply to hada question:
I braid my natural hair, and moisturize my hair ends daily. I have recently started applying carrot oil by organic root stimulator to my hair, I suspect it may have caused the breakage.

I doubt the ORS Carrot oil caused the breakage as it's a very good moisturising product and the carrot is very good for the ends of your hair. I use it and find it to be very good.