How do you truly stay on the path to God?


New Member
I want to change. I truly do. But I always find myself falling back to my old habits. How do I truly change? Do I keep on praying? But prayer requires action too. However, every time I think I've changed, the devil pulls me back and takes me back 5 steps. Then I feel too ashamed to return back to God. I know we should always go back to God, but I feel like such a failure to keep on asking for forgiveness. Deep down, I want to be good. I really do. Maybe I need to surround myself with more God-conscious folks. I don't know.


Well-Known Member
You just keep trusting God. I know it sounds cliche' but it is the only way. He already knows all our faults, and what temptations that will lead us off the path, He already knows exactly where we struggle.
Stop giving the devil control or any undue credit. While it is his job to set us up for failure. . .God always gives us an out.
When you get off the path, just keep getting back on. Do it consciously and ask God to help you.


Well-Known Member
I could not change no matter how hard I tried until I surrendered my life and will over to God. Then He started the change process. I'm doing things now that I could never do under my own power. I had to surrender, everything.

It certainly helps to have Godly people in your life. He will start removing all the things/people that He sees as an obstacle to your relationship with Him out of your life.


Well-Known Member
OP you said it in your post. There is an old saying..."change your friends or change your friends". With that said, once you truly develop a hunger for God you will find yourself in the word all day and every day, each chance you get. You will look to surround yourself with Godly saved people. Your appetite will truly change. Then you will seek out that mentor and attach yourself to her because that God you see working in her, your want HIM to work in you. We all have to go to God daily and ask for forgiveness. It's part of the daily walk with Him.


Well-Known Member
Prayer is the first step. Continue to ask God to guide your steps, words, thoughts and deeds.

Maybe I need to surround myself with more God-conscious folks.

This is another thing. It is easier to keep on the straight and narrow if the people who surround you and like minded persons.

However, God knows what's in your heart and He knows that you are genunine. Keep talking to him :bighug:


Well-Known Member

Girl your preaching to the choir. :) As humans we fail everytime but with prayer and allowing God in our lives will we change! I recommend to start praying..just talk to him! It doesn't have to be something elaborate. Just the way you talk to your that way to him and test him. He will always answer! He has always been there! Can't you believe our Creator yearns for us??? POWERFUL!

Just start with at least five minutes of prayer daily and your heart will yearn for more and you will find your self praying not only five, but ten, fifteen minutes,etc. Start with the bible, maybe John? Just a chapter or some scriptures daily. Push through's so worth it!!


Well-Known Member
By having a relationship with him. By setting aside time to get to know God and allow him to get to know you. For me it started with bible study of course, I had to know what it was all about and then a friend said to me that God was my husband and that I cheat on him while he was standing right there in front of me and it shamed me. I started thinking about God differently. He said I left, but he never ever left me and from that point on I realize that I didn't have to start over anymore. I just continued. I started placing things at the foot of Jesus. the things I struggle with the most, Well it became a daily prayer. I pray everyday several times a day, at times, not to sin against God with my mouth, my hands, my body, my mind, my thoughts, my dreams even. I started to learn to pray about everything just having a conversation with God about everything. it became easier everyday. Oh sure there are days I find myself staring at the wall, but I wake up out of it. I love TV Ministries, now I am SDA and so I only watch 3ABN and I really enjoy it, my favorites is John Lamacang and Kenneth Cox
. I like the others very much. But at this moment in time, these two really have me listening over and over I learn so much from them and find them to be a blessings. I don't really like TV ministries, but I love 3ABN, I get my bible out and follow along with them. Since i do this I have learned that the other things that use to pull at me has no power over me anymore. I am not interested in them and or certain people either. certain music irritates me instead of bring me back to a time and certain place, I have moved on passed it. Everyday I let go a piece of my life that was a hindrance to me. by and by as you start spending personal time learning about God and talking with him, your decisions will become easier to follow when it concerns the Lord.
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New Member
Until you get to the root of why you do what you do you will continue to fall back in to your old sin. Finding out the deeper roots allows you to address the disease and then kill the side effects.

Prayer and studying the word really is the key. Also make sure your reading sound bibical based books as well.

I have seen alot of change in my self ie not cursing sense my focus has changed and how seeing the roots of my issues. Whatever the issue is confession is great but most folks here ain't about that life.


Well-Known Member
Realistically... this is what worked for me...

Read the bible.... and learn about how God wants you to live...

Know that God knows you are human and are sinful by nature.... so learn to forgive yourself when you mess up, because u know God has forgiven when you ask... Think about it like a father and daughter relationship - not like a king and servant relationship. Trust that Godis looking out for you and is protecting you 24/7.... do not be afraid of any situation.. because God will always bail you out.. might not be the way you want it, but trust that things will work out the way they are meant to be...

Work on yourself and becoming a better person generally... don't tell lies, dont cheat anyone or anything (like trying to get more taxes by claiming deductions that u dont qualify for.. or falsifying income to get , if you think it'll hurt God... or if you are not sure what u r doing is right... dont do it.... Obey authority... including parents, the police... lol... follow laws .... Don't talk about people behind their backs.. If you wont like someone to do it to you, dont do it to anyone... Help people as much as you can..

Following God's ways to me... is really simple... if you focus on following God's ways... praying (you dont have to kneel down and close your eyes... God is present everywhere... just chatting randomly with God while driving is praying too)..... Read the bible... (get a good audio bible so you can listen on the go)....

Find a good church family.... people who are not extreme.. not judgmental.... people who are focused on just loving God and improving themselves instead of how righteous they are and how everyone else is inferior and going to hell.... don't believe everything your pastor tells you.. lol... if it doesnt make sense.. it's probably false... lol

Dont judge, or look down on anyone... gay, muslim, thief, or drug addict.... If you find yourself unconciously looking down on someone, ask God to forgive you because it is not your place to judge anyone... judgement is reserved for God.... and treat everyone very kindly...

Hope some of these things help...
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Well-Known Member
Here are a few thoughts that came to me...

1. Continue to ask God to change your desires to His desires.

2. Whenever you are feeling tempted in any way, immediately pray to God. Be honest with him about it. He sees you going through it, He knows you're going through it and He cares. He wants you to cling to Him. He never allows you to be tempted beyond what you are capable of handling and God WILL make a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13), ask Him to show you what it is.

3. Having at least one person who is like minded and following Jesus that you can be completely honest with helps alot. Having someone you're accountable to ask you the hard questions, who knows what you struggle with and can encourage you to keep going if you fall is important.

Hope this helps. :)