How do you use castor oil?

How do you use castor oil

  • To moisturize.

    Votes: 43 14.9%
  • To seal.

    Votes: 203 70.2%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 43 14.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Does anyone add it to their scalp?

I use it on my scalp and strands as a pre-poo. I am sitting here with it on my hair/scalp now. Tomorrow morning I will wash it out.

I was using it as the last step before my Deep Condition, but I was having trouble rinsing it out because it was so thick. So, now I use it as a pre-poo.
I do.

I occasionally use castor oil on my scalp and usually use it more frequently the week before my relaxer. It makes my new growth very soft. I don't like using it in my ends because it is so thick.

DITTO i use the JBCO like a scalp nourishing type thing and nothing else, it's waaaaayyyyy to heavy for the length of my hair, but it does do a good job of keeping my ng moisturized as it gets on it when I apply it to my scalp.
I love it and I use it for everything from a sealant on my ends to a leave-in to a gel. Tonight , I will try it on my skin and tomorrow in my henna.
I love love love castor oil. It is the only oil that I use on a consistent basis.

I use it for filling in my edges as well as sealing my ends, which it does beautifully. I personally love the thickness of the oil.
I love Castor Oil. It is great. It makes my hair so soft. I've used it mixed with EVCO in my conditioner for a DC. Mostly I use it with EVCO for sealing. If you take the EVCO and CO and rub them both in your hands it helps to thin out the CO and make it easier to spread on the hair. I use it on the length of my hair and ends. My hair loves this stuff.:yep:
I mix JBCO with aloe vera juice and massage it into my edges :yep:
I massage castor oil into my roots 2-3 times a week. My scalp has been really sore since I started doing this, and I don't know if it's my supplements or the massages...either way, as long as it's growing healthy I don't care.
does anyone get their castor oil from walmart??
I did, I got the equate brand and it has never done me wrong. I'm going to try another brand when I've finished this bottle but only because I need something that comes in a bigger bottle. I'm going to use castor/evoo for ocm.
I do use it as a sealant, but mostly I combine it with amla oil as an overnight prepoo. Works really well this way.
Can castor oil be used on the scalp to thicken up areas that are thinning or should it only be used on hair after moisturizing?
Can castor oil be used on the scalp to thicken up areas that are thinning or should it only be used on hair after moisturizing?

I use it directly on my scalp. It is great for moisturizing. It gives my hair a beautiful shine and makes it soft without weighing the hair down or making it greasy. I put the oil in a bottle with a pointy tip and part the hair from front to back in 3 rows and run the pointy tip down the each parted row. I also use a leave in conditioner which I apply before the castor oil. But it's the castor oil that gives me the most benefit.
:lick:I use Castor Oil as a sealant to seal in my cholesterol shea butter plus when doing my braid outs. I'm talking about the prettiest, softest, waves/curls when I take the braids out.
I use it on my ends, very sparingly. Its very thick and will weigh your hair down if you use too much.
My sister brought some up from Jamiaca and i wasn't to sure what do with it. I just had it sitting there.

i will try your tips. it is kinda heavy
Typically, I use it on my ends to seal in moisture. However, I used a tiny bit on the length of my hair before braiding and didn't know what to expect. :covereyes It gave me nothing but softness and sheen. I like! :yep:
I find it kinda thick so i 'water it down' with some EVOO. Maybe like 3 or 4 parts EVOO to 1 part Castor Oil.
For my fine hair its too thick. I tried it as a pre poo some weeks ago and it clung to some of my fine hairs and made them come out. So I don't like it that much.

Almond Eyes
On my face. The eye area from brow to below the eye. I use half a "dab", rub my fingers together. They say that it is good for lashes. I have always had long lashes, so I don't know. I am using it for the fine lines under my eyes. I will be officially over 40 soon, so that is why I do it. I personally think that it has helped. :yep:

So I said other. Although I have used on my hair, a couple of times.
?where can I buy JBCO? and/or any good CO, also looking for real serious natural hair care salon in LI/NYC area? want to get non destructive braids. I have 4c ng 16wks from short haircut relaxer, 3/4" relaxed hair knots and breaks currently wearing a braidout-twa but the work to do it is too much
For my fine hair its too thick. I tried it as a pre poo some weeks ago and it clung to some of my fine hairs and made them come out. So I don't like it that much.

Almond Eyes

This is what has worried me in my use of castor oil these past few months.

People say it is good for growing in sparse ediges and thickening up thinning spots, but it seems almost counter-productive because it is so heavy and sticky that merely applying it to my temples and scalp causes it to snag, stick like honey, and pull the hair backward of its own volition.

Anyone else who can weigh in on this subject?
I use castor oil two ways: For my scalp and to moisturize my hair. I can only use it one or two times a week, though. Anymore and my hair feels like an oil slick. It does absorb eventually, though. When I oil my scalp with it I drag the excess to my lengths with either my hands or a comb.