How do you use your coconut oil?

I love it as a pre-poo, for sealing moisturizers, baggying, skin care, as a nutritional supplement and for cooking /baking.
I use it as a pre-poo and mix it in my deep conditioner. I use it on my elbows and knees and as a lip balm. DH thinks I smell yummy...;)
Before I used it in my hair, I fried some shrimp in it!! I didn't want to use it for food once I started putting my hands back and forth from my head to the jar.
Then, I used it in my hair after I washed it or before I pressed it or at night I would brush it deep into my hair and pull my hair up for bed- basically, any opportunity to give my hair some moisture.
i add it to most of my mixes for just lightly dampen my hair and use the cocomut oil right on it- i like it for skin too ;-)