How long did it take for you to become addicted


New Member
I was just wandering because i just found this site yesturday around 9pm and had to literally force myself to go to bed last. I was just amazed at all the pictures of our beautiful black women achieve having long ,healthy strong hair. N E Ways, i became addicted so quickly, i was just wandering did this happen to any of the other members.
Heck yea! I was sooo happy when I found this site. To be honest, I browsed around at first but then I couldn't help but to register and give my 2cents.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

I don't remember now, but I think I registered the day I found the site (if not the same day, then the day after). I pretty much have logged on everyday since then so I guess you can say I became addicted immediately.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

I registered the same day I found LHCF also. I had an immediate addiction because I realized I had so much to learn about haircare. From reading about so many successes from the ladies here, I knew I came to the right place.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

yeah, it's been an almost 4-year long addiction for me now.
i've been too busy lately to come to the boards as much, but i still check it out every chance i get!!

p.s. WELCOME!!!
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

I got addicted the moment I found the site...4 months ago. But I lurked
for a couple months.

<font color="pink"> Welcome
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

Welcome! I'm new also, and got addicted very fast. I'm not a black woman, but my hair is so similar to them lol!!! Advices I see here really works, I started some of them 2 weeks ago and I already see the results on my stupid head hehe!

Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

forcing myself to log off right now as a matter of fact.....i was doing so well and the other day i posted on the off topic board...i never even clicked there im tryin to keep up here AND there....whew i dont know how some of ya'll do it. anyway welcome to you and Marina.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

the day i registered i bacame addicted. i've missed several college classes and shifts at work because i can't drag my ass away. i been here everyday since i joined.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

ME TOO.....I found the site and was amazed!!!! then decided to register the next day.........the day I registered I just kept looking at pictures ....old posts!!! Still addicted.........will be a lifetime addict 'cause these girls are on point ( also on the other boards!!!)

I remember the second day I joined this forum, I stayed on here for 5 hours, all the way til 3am one night. I was amazed about pictures and trying to learn, compare, and analyze different tips that are on here that would be useful to me. I came addicted quickly and been on here everyday since I joined.
I can't stay away since I joined in March. If you think you're addicted now, wait till you go to the off topic board..... you'll never log out...
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

I've been on everyday since I registered! on. It's only been two weeks and I'm already a PJ (went to Sephora and lost my mind
). I love looking at the pics and getting tips. I'm not afraid to get my hair wet anymore, imagine that! All the ladies are such an inspiration.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

i've been addicted since the second i joined a month ago.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

I got addicted the first day I found it though I didn't join till about a week later.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

I registered about a month after I found the site. However, I was addicted to it as soon as I found it. I went home to Oklahoma and Texas to visit family and showed everyone female in my family Supergirl's hair. I kept saying "I wanted her hair" As soon as I returned to my home here in FL I registered. Can't stay away for anything.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

girl I know what you mean as soon as I was put on to this site I was hooked my favorite part about viewing the board is looking at everyones pictures and seeing how they are coming along with their regiment it keeps me inspired LOL
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

After doing a search on some hair related issue, I found this site last year. I became a member, but it wasn't until recent that I really started posting a great deal.

Now that I have some time (while I'm supposed to be working) I am so hooked! I love the advice and support that we give one another.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

I became addicted the same second. I think I viewed all 21 pages that were up. I must've spent hours sitting at this desk. I didn't sign up til a week later, I think. I love this place! No matter how much work I have to do, I always find some time, to sign in, check my mail, and see what's new.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

I dont know exactly, but it was not that long. This is by far the best, informative, and professional hair care board I have run across to date. It is so addictive!!
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

lets see the night my friend showed me this site.. I was completely done for.. i'm now an addict to LHCF ...
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

I got addicted the first day as well.
My boyfriend hates that I'm always online reading about hair stuff as he says.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

Addicted?!!! What do you mean?!! Are you saying I have a problem? Uh, are you!

Just because I check for up dates every other time I pass my computer when I'm a home doesn't mean I have a problem ?!

It simply relaxs me thats all
, I can stop posting anytime I get ready, but first let me check the other THREE boards I'm a member on..............

Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

i was skeptical about the site at first. I had just come from nappturality and was thinking "these relaxed chicks can't do nuthn for me!" but i read more and i got addicted within the week! Turns out that "these relaxed chicks" got my hair growing like crazy! lol
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

I lurked for a couple of months before joining and became quickly addicted soon after I love it here.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

Well it took me forever to actually be able to become a member to the site since they never emailed my password when I tried to register.The first sign that I was an addict was me using a coworkers sn and pw just to log on, then I stayed on all day at work trying to go through the boards from last to most recent. Of course the remainder of the weekend was spent trying to find "new facts". Now I have my own sn and can reply as much as I want to everyone.
Re: How long did it take for you to become addicte

I think I lurked for around a a month and then it took another month for me to get my password to actually long in..i think i had atleast 5 different names with 5 different email addresses trying to get a pws sent to me and finally this one came through.
