how long did it take you to start to see thickness?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i did a search and I see a lot of threads talking about methods to make your hair thicker. But what I want to know is how long after babying your hair did you start to notice the increase in thickness. I made a thread about how my hair is shedding and im hoping to see a turn around in my hair as quickly as possible. So how long did it take? and you also might as well say what you did to acheive it :spinning:
My thinning hair was what drove me to the hair boards in the first place. I have self-relaxed for years, and before LHCF, I was notorious for combing relaxer root to tip. I used grease on my scalp and had noooo idea about m&s. My hair would break from the extreme dryness and I would just relax again thinking that was the problem, lol. It's a wonder I still have any hair.:spinning:
Anyway, I had shoulder length, extremely unhealthy hair with the most scraggly see through ends you can imagine (something I didn't notice until looking at pictures:blush:) when i began my journey. I started stretching relaxers immediately and moisturizing/proteining. I stumbled across the henna/ayurveda threads and decided to try it after getting a routine for my hair care going. I texlaxed at 12 weeks after my first stretch. (Mind you I was 5 weeks post when I started reading the boards.) I had already started cowashing and after reading tons of threads about ayurveda, I started doing a ayurveda paste with my cowashes. The difference was immediate and now I have been doing it for 2 months and my hair is returning to my former thickness before years of bad relaxers, childbirth, poor hair care, etc. It is thickening up beautifully and the texture is different too. I have been examining my shed hairs and the ng looks so much thicker and darker than the previously relaxed hair. At first, I wondered whose hair that was, it looked so different, lol (no joke)!
My method: 2-3 times a week, mix my ayurvedic powders (brahmi,amla,bhringraj) with grapeseed oil and HE LTR, add water until pancake consistency and apply to my hair (I usually massage it for a few minutes) put on a plastic cap. I have experimented with times and do it no less than 30 minutes, but usually leave it on while I cook dinner. Cowash it out with HE LTR. I have amazing slip and it is so soft!! But the thickness is what is really doing it for me. I will upload pics.
To save time, I mixed up equal amounts of the powders (usually a 1/4 cup of each) once a week in a sandwich bag and shook well. Then I can just shake again and place some in a bowl with the condish and oil, and water. That amount (1/4) cup usually last me thru the week then I mix up more for the next week. I also henna once a month. Look at some of the ayurveda threads and you will discover some great recipes. HTH!!
I started adding protein conditioner! I neglected protein a lot because I figured that natural hair wouldn't need it as much as relaxed hair. :ohwell: I was very wrong, especially since I have very fine strands! I noticed the evidence with pictures in 3 months; I felt my hair was thicker after 1 month (2 protein deep conditioning sessions under the steamer).
I cosign with the post about protein treatments. When I started my healthy hair journey I did a self trim and an Aphogee Two Step treatment. Saw immediate improvement: stronger stands and minimal shedding.
When I came here and started doing the babying basics (protein and DCing, etc), I noticed a difference in my 2 and 3 month progress pics.
I started adding protein conditioner! I neglected protein a lot because I figured that natural hair wouldn't need it as much as relaxed hair. :ohwell: I was very wrong, especially since I have very fine strands! I noticed the evidence with pictures in 3 months; I felt my hair was thicker after 1 month (2 protein deep conditioning sessions under the steamer).

NappyNelle What did you use?