How long should one stick to regimen?


New Member
I have realized with everything, you have to give it time to work. I was just wondering how long to do you all give your regimen to work? When is it time to quit and go back to the drawing boards?
Great question.

I'd say that if you suffer a horrible set back by a certain product, and you're sure that it's that specific product that caused it--kick it too the curb.

But as far as using products in combination to build a regi give it a solid month. No deviation. You really have to be consistent to learn what's going on with your hair. When you're not consistent then you can't replicate or remember results as well, and you don't really learn much about your hair. Same goes for your skin or for fitness. A month is a long enough period of time for you to contemplate and experience your hair's reaction to products. If you wash once a week though I'd say try it for longer.
I give it at least 60 days before I start to adjust, unless something proves to be all wrong immediately. Once the regi is sound, I don't change until something stops working. I do not let a regi stop me from trying new products that are very similar to what I am already using.
The regimen I created was model from another popular poster here. I tried tweeked it to suit my needs. In fact her regime didn't work at all for me. But, I had a model to go off of. My regimen now is sold because it suits my lifestyle. I constantly change products though. My hair likes protein so I make sure that I use protein everytime. I hate airdrying because it causes my hair to matte up and I end up loosing more hair so I don't do that.

Regimen as follows
I shampoo (1 lather) and deep condition every Tuesday and Saturday.
I cowash by spells it's not really my thing. I relax between 10 & 12 weeks post. I always follow up with a leave-in of some sort. I moisturize and seal.
Daily: I moisturize twice and seal. I wear protective styles 85% of the time which is 6 days out of 7. That 7th day I rollerset. I only run a comb through my hair on wash days and that is strictly to detangle. I don't baggy but my end do stay moisturized because I have found what works for me.

I think you have to find a regimen that suits your lifestyle. It may be helpful if you write down 5 goals that you want to attain and create a regimen that would make attaining these goals possible. Also you might want to keep a hair journal and a calendar to monitor and adjust what you are doing.

Don't give up on your regimen. I too get frustrated but I realize that it to will pass. Good Luck!!!:drunk: