How many broken hairs do you get from detangling/combing/styling during wash day

How many borken hairs during wash/styling/detangling day

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I don't detangle or comb my hair during wash day (I wash my hair in the braids or twists that I've been wearing and will continue to wear after the wash). *shrug*
I never count. I don't want to get hyperneurotic about my hair and the temptation would be too great if I counted. :grin:

What I have noticed is that the hair that I don't lose very much hair at all and most of it is regular shedding. I think the deep conditioning (which I didn't use to do), the moisturizing and infusium - glycerin spritzes are really helping. My hair is so much healthier than it used to be.
I don't really know how many, but I know it's more than 20 and too much to count. I only wash and detangle once a week so it's a weeks worth of hair strands. Sometimes I may look to see if the white bulb is there to feel better because they are shed hairs not breakage....
I had been washing 2-3 times a week, but now I'm challenging myself to wash only once a week. I washed last night and I lost sooo much hair compared to when I washed frequently. Now I'm having second thoughts about this 1x a week thing :perplexed

You sound like me. I flat iron my hair once a month and wear wash n go's and ponytails the other times. It's hard for me to go too long without washing. I think I get too much build up from the tons of conditioner I need to use to keep my hair from frizzing up. I also use essential oils and anti-frizz products, so it begins to weigh my hair down after awhile. Because of all this, I end up washing at least 2 times a week, which in actuality is good for me b/c I used to wash my hair every other day. When I detangle, I usually lose lots of hair (seems like too much to me) - maybe 30 when using a wide tooth comb and another 30 when using my denam to help define my curls. I read that losing 100 hairs daily is normal, so I guess I'm doing ok. :yep:
No breakage. I wash every three days or so, and I normally get 5-7 hairs from shedding. I do look at each one to be sure it's shedding and not breaking. I try not to, but somehow I end up picking them out of the comb. :ohwell:
Yesterday was shampoo day. I lost about 20 full length hairs with the bulbs attached. :perplexed This was unusual for me, since detangling has not been a big issue for me in the past. I figured that since I am 18 weeks post, my new growth is really knarly and thick. Its time for a re-touch!
I'm transitioning...I haven't had a relaxer in several months so i'm combing out a lot and I'm ok with that :spinning:

prior, my hair was always in good shape...I combed out less of it wet than dry.....when wet I can catch the hair in the comb and in the drain, which wasn't much...I've always sweeped a hair from my bedroom floor
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I can't count the strands because I am texnapped but I gather the puffs. There's enough to get mad about it:wallbash:
sadly, too many to count...I'm trying not to shed tears over it,:cry: my hair is starting to look more and more jagged. the front is breaking something terrible, to the point it's breaking up to chin length when it was APL. I'm contemplating cutting it into a bob, maybe shoulder level.
I voted for 11-20. Unfortunately, that's JUST broken ones. Luckily it's more like 11 than 20. Now the SHED hairs...I shed like it's going out of style!! So all together, too much to count and I wouldn't cause I'd probably cry. Of course, it is worse when it's closer to my relaxer and I don't comb as much (every 3-4 days) so all my shed hair comes out at once.:crying3: It's almost horrifying. :spinning:
I hardly ever get any broken hairs. I wont say never because there are times when my hair is dry and something will pop off... But I never get broken hairs from washing.
I voted for I don't count. If I did count them, I would be a nervous wreck. I know shedding is normal, but it still bothers me.
Too many, too wet from being under the shower to count but I'd estimate at least 20 BROKEN hairs on wash days which is 1X a week or 2 weeks if I'm lazy. I attribute this to my heat stretched ends that need to be removed.
what is the difference between shedding and breakage.....and you guys count how many hairs break off...??

i always have hair in my do i know if its breakage or shedding?
If you have the patience to look, a shed hair will have a little bulb on one end - a broken hair won't.
what is the difference between shedding and breakage.....and you guys count how many hairs break off...??

i always have hair in my do i know if its breakage or shedding?

Hey there!

When I first joined and folks were asking this type of question, I was sooo confused because I couldn't imagine counting every hair strand OR examining the hair strand to see which ones have bulbs. I actually counted once...never again. Ya just gotta eyeball it.
A good rule of thumb is if it's a short hair it might be broken, if it's a long one maybe you can check (this rule would apply only if you have shoulder length + to begin with).
I was just thinking about this last night. I don't get tons of broken hairs but I get quite a bit of shed hairs. I only wash my hair once a week but it still looks like a lot to me. It could be that my hair is getting longer, I just reached APL, but...*shrugs shoulders*
My hair comes out in clumps at a time and big knots for no reason, if I even touch my hair then it comes out. Supposedly I might have low iron or something , do I need to go to the doctor for that, cuz my mom thinks it has do with something internally not just state of my hair. I really do take good care of my hair, it has grown to minimal shoulder length, but its like I am loseing thickness.
I dunno whats wrong with me.
That's the way to do it! I already have thin hair and I jumped on the bandwagon of detangling in the shower. LAWD my hair thinned out even more! That has proved to be a big NO NO for me. I now wait until my hair is damp to almost dry before I detangle and this is working for me. Good job!

I had a mini clump of hair when I detangled in the shower this morning which led me to search this topic. I am gonna give up combing in the shower for a while and see if that helps. I don't comb during the week but when i wash I can make a wig for a Barbie:perplexed
Right now, none. I don't know if it's b/c of hormones from the pregnancy or because I've stepped my deep conditioning and moisturizing game up...but no hair is breaking, and i may have one or two hairs in the comb when I detangle on wash day.

Now BEFORE when I wasn't deep conditioning, moisturizing hair broke a LOT...and shed a the point where I'd find hairs EVERYWHERE and my hair sounded like Beirut when I'd comb it out.

Beirut!?!?!?! LOL!!!!!!!!:lachen: I have been there hair-wise!!!
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Washing my hair in 4-6 braids has helped me SO MUCH with breakage and shedding....i still see some here and there but its not crazy. I can't help but think that a bit of shedding and breakage is just normal (right??).
I'm guessing a lot because when I fingercomb when moisturizing daily, I get about 5-10, so a wash day must be 10 times more:sad:. I believe they mostly come from my single strand knots, which I have a lot of:sad: Hopefully I get rid of them one day
I don't really get any broken hairs that I notice- but I get the really long shed hairs when I wash
ooooooooooh last night I had a fistful of hair! broken and long strands all mixed together...I had remember that I hadn't untangled my hair in weeks....