How many days/weeks/months are you post trim?

I just did a .5-1.5" trim all around. I don't have a set schedule but trim as I see fit. My ends were rough due to wearing my hair loose for 2 months plus constant manipulation.
I'm one week post, just snipped off some of the thin ends and then tried to even it up after that, it looks a lot better and I feel better about it. I thought I would have to chop off to shoulder length but its like collar bone length now but looks short to me in a ponytail but then again it is curled lol i can't say how much I cut though, maybe a inch mostly
im about a month post. I did it to chase after SSK's but they came right back. I now realized SSK's are apart of my hairs life, no matter what i do they are there. I just ignore them now and try to be careful
I'm about 5 months post trim and in need of another one. I do dust my ends every 1-2 months though.
1 day post, before that I was just under 6 weeks post trim. I get rid of my ends as needed, I don't like keeping around bits that are too thin. I have various strands that vary in thickness and I use heat so I'm aware that my ends are going to go through wear and tear so I have to no problem with my ends thinning out just a tad. I actually think it looks more attractive and natural than blunt thick ends. Since I did this trim before a touch-up, I will not be trimming again when I get my hair relaxed.
I haven't trimmed in about 8 months, I've dusted my hair twice since, but I will the next time I straighten my hair.
Several months for a real trim if not a couple years...I can't remember. Some time last year a self trim but I've stopped that now and this year I've done about 2 very light dustings and my ends are doing much better (but that's due to stretching my relaxers longer).
I did a 1" trim in May and dusted last week. With fine hair, frequent trims is a must to retain the bulk of growth. For me at least.
I haven't had a real trim in over 2 years but I dust every 8-16 weeks. I only grow 5 inches a year so I need to hang onto millimeter I can!
1 week, I got tired of the damaged ends, so I just chopped off a little more than 3 inches. It feels so good to have a head full of healthy hair.
1 week, I got tired of the damaged ends, so I just chopped off a little more than 3 inches. It feels so good to have a head full of healthy hair.

It really does, back in the day I use to literally be in tears when I use to get a trim from my mom, now I'm like determined to trim when I think something looks off, I'm not happy with my ponytail but with my hair overall yes I am :)
Its been almost 6 months since my last trim. I don't remember the last time i dusted tho.

If i reach whip length the next time i straighten I'll do a 1 inch trim to make sure my ends are severely healthy.
When I first decided to let my hair grow, I got a series of trims at the salon just to make sure my ends were healthy...other that, I trim annually.
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I'm 13 days post trim. More of a hair cut since my stylist chopped off about 4 inches. My ends were sooo damaged from flat ironing and bunning too much.
My ends were so messed up! It was a mixture of scab hair, and my ends getting dry after yarn braids! I just cut today. Maybe 1/2 inch all around.
Trimmed about an inch or two on July 7 & will probably trim a little less than an inch when Relax..not sure when that will be yet.
2 weeks! I had a stylist do it but he didnt take enough off. I could use a full inch trim to be honest
I am 7 months post trim\cut. I have been getting trims 1x per year. Being as though it is September I'll probably wait until December at least before trimming. I'm presently at shoulder length in the back of me hair, if I can make collarbone be December I'll get it shaped up at that time. My hair grows hyperspeed in the back and slower on the sides, shoo the reshape will help to even that growth out. My ends stay pretty healthy with PS and limited heat usage.