How many Garlic pills are you suppose


Well-Known Member
to take to stop the shedding

My bottle says take about 6 pills a day and i cant deal with any extra

So how many do you take
From my understanding, if you buy a brand from say Walmart or Walgreens, you will have to take more.

I got Garlinase from my local heath shop and the Herbal lady told me it was very strong, so one a day was all it took. One pill has about 10 garlic cloves in it.

I went back after I finished that and got Kyolic. 1-2 a day is recommended. I suppose because these brands are a bit more expensive than the $2 bottle from Walmart. And has more dosage, so you don't have to take as many.

The same happened to me when i used to take flax seed and fish oil pills. I used to buy a brand from walmart that required 4-6 a day. I later switched to the oil, and one spoon a day was enough. It was a bit more potent as well.
If you're not used to it, I'd go no more than 1,000-2,000 mgs to start. This is 2 of my 1,000mg softgels. Garlic is great, but anything can have negative consequences if you take too much, esp. in the beginning. Garlic is both a blood thinner and it lowers blood sugar in certain doses. Just watch out and if you're feeling "funny" stop and/or reduce dosage.

I just read this in your thread i am not going to take the pills anymore i freak out at side affects blood thinner no no
I take one small 500 mg capsule. But I've noticed that different brands of the same amount don't yield the same results. It's trial and error.