How many weeks post-relaxer are you..

19 weeks going on 20 this Sat...I was going to texlax in Feb for my one year, but I'm thinking that since I joined the HYH challenge I might just wait until June 2012. Maybe I'll just get it flat ironed in either 9 weeks or 30 weeks to go! :yep: :yep:
I am currently 14 wks today. As the hairdresser was rollersetting my hair I noticed how much new growth I have. Gonna get my roots blown and try to hold out for 2 more wks.

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Last time I relaxed was early September. I hate combing and washing my hair in this state, ugh. One month to go.
I really dont know. I think mid-october was the last time. I dont intend on getting another one until either right before or after baby is born (April).

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I am 30 weeks post because I just took my twists down which made it really easy to stretch that long. I want my hair to breath for a few days before I do the touch up.
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