How to retough half of head at a time?


New Member
I recently started doing my own retouches as well as my daughter's.

I rinse the relaxer out exactly 20 minutes after I start the relaxing process.

Our hair is drastically underprocessed each time.

I have seen posts on this forum for a technique to relax half of the head at a time.

I can't find the post.

Please help.

Right now I thinking about retouching half my head this week and then retouching the other half next week.

I know that there has got to be a better way.
I cant find the thread right now but I do remember reading that post. I think she she said she did half of her head at a time. she covered the side she wasn't doing in cholesterol to like keep it safe then she just touched up the side with no cholesterol. I think she said like the next day she did the other side.