i almost got my hair trimmed ....


New Member
Yesterday I was having a conversation with a co-worker on yesterday about needing to get my ends trimmed. I was about to make an appointment and go ahead and get snipped. So last night I prepoo'd, wash, used nexxus ensure and deep conditioned. I wet wrapped and sat under the dryer for 30 minutes and when I unwrapped this morning it was shiny and soft. So, when I got to work today that same co-worker says "your hair is so pretty, did you go to my lady" well I just gave her some swang and told her "actually no, I just took the advice of a "friend" and realized I didn't need my ends trimmed" so thanks LHCF! You guys are great! And Nexxus Ensure is the truth! :)


Well-Known Member
You know "they" always know everything...I'm glad that you listened to your "friends", though!!!


New Member
Right! I knew something had to be wrong, but I was listening to her saying my ends were split. I was discouraged, thinking I had did something wrong in these past couple of weeks. Because my hair has been doing great! I do ACV rinses every week. So, its obvious to me now that I need to quit stashing my products and use them. I'm still learning. I'm getting there!