I need help and tips


New Member
Tomorrow going to a new church (trying to turn my life around towards God ) so my first time in this church i was brought up as a catholic ,but the church i am going tomorrow is not a catholic church.
Any tips on first time first to a church ?


Well-Known Member
I can remember the first time I decided to go back to church on my own like it was yesterday. All I can say is be open and expect to hear from God concerning your life. It may be one of praise and worship songs or something the preacher says within his sermon, but God will reach out to you in a way that you will know it is God and that he loves you. Enjoy yourself tomorrow.


New Member
Thank you Lissa i, i sure hope i do because it has been too long since i been to the church.


Well-Known Member
Hi Juju :wave:

One thing that helped me get the most from church was carrying a little notebook to take notes of the sermon and write down the relevant verses mentioned for later study. Also pray on your own for understanding and that the Lord give you discernment and pray for the preacher that God may bless the his words. Not everything a person says may be accurate info but praying for God's Wisdom can make you sift the inaccurate info out and be blessed by His Word's teachings.

I think you'll enjoy it a lot. Especially if the sermon starts with worship hymns and choruses that bring your heart and mind into focus so you feel yourself in God's presence.
